Thursday, August 29, 2013

Srila Prabhupada's Vyasa Puja 2013 Offering from Iskcon Truth Administrator

Dear Srila Prabhupada,

Please accept my humble obeisance’s at your divine lotus feet. This is one of the auspicious day for me to share and offer you something which is very small yet very big. I'm in connection with you for more than 12 years and I really feel that you are teaching me or giving me knowledge every second. With the busy schedules like mine it’s actually impossible for me to come to temple every day and serve your lotus feet by distributing your books but I am making my time to read your books and chant the holy name of the lord. I do get prasadam sometimes from devotees which satisfy my spiritual hunger.  The only thing what missed in my life was service and fortunately you gave me an idea to serve you differently that is “preach online”. I started a small blog named ISKCON TRUTH on December 21th, 2010 and today it is called as ISKCON TRUTH Website ( connecting more than seventy thousand devotees across the world with more than five hundred thousand visitors. The launch of iskcon events, iskcon online bhagavad gita, your letters, iskcon live and iskcon songs helping devotees to know more about festivals listen to music/ songs sung by devotees across the world, get an opportunity to read bhagavad gita as well as your letters and also have darshan of the lord online. The pleasure i am getting from doing this is immense and its all your mercy upon me which is making my small effort a big success. I am not that pure as you know, being on this earth i need to fulfill needs of my family however i am so grateful that i am atleast serving you with whatever material knowledge i have got. I know you are helping me but as a fallen soul I am requesting you to help me in this venture of Truth to reach more and more people, to pull them back to you.

Your Most Fallen Servent,


Wednesday, August 28, 2013

ISKCON Worldwide Sri Krishna Janmashtami Darshan - Day 2

ISKCON Bangalore
ISKCON Chowpatty

ISKCON Vrindavan
ISKCON Detroit
ISKCON London- Bhaktivedanta Manor


Tuesday, August 27, 2013

ISKCON Worldwide Sri Krishna Janmashtami Darshan - Day 1

ISKCON Bangalore

ISKCON Chowpatty

ISKCON Detroit


ISKCON Mayapur

ISKCON Mira Road




ISKCON San Diego

ISKCON Vallabh Vidyanagar

ISKCON Vrindavan

Cyclist Miyamoto of Rosy Blue to Raise Funds for Akshaya Patra

From September 4 through 8,  Chikashi Miyamoto of Rosy Blue will be taking part in the Turin to Monte Carlo cycling challenge to support Akshaya Patra, the international charity providing food for education to children in India. Miyamoto is aiming to raise $30,000 (GBP 20,000 / EURO 24,000).
The cycling challenge will cover 470 kilometers, or 292 miles, and it includes 11,700 meters, or 38,400 feet, of uphill cycling, encompassing some of the most challenging mountain passes featured in previous Giro d’Italia routes. The challenge includes six mountain passes that stand over 2,000 meters with the highest point reached on the third day, Colle dell'Agnello standing at 2,748 meters, the sixth highest paved road in the Alps. As a point of comparison, this year’s Tour de France had only one pass over 2,000 meters and it was at exactly 2,001 meters.  
The Akshaya Patra Foundation provides food to children who would otherwise need to forgo education for income by entering child labor and consequently be entrapped in poverty and misery.  Akshaya Patra was founded on the vision that “No child in India should be deprived of education because of hunger” and implements Mid-Day Meal programs in 19 locations across nine states in India.
Miyamoto said, “Supporting the Akshaya Patra Foundation is very important to me because no child should be forced to choose between income and basic education. My primary charitable cause is children and my personal as well as professional association with the country of India for almost 30 years have led me to Akshaya Patra’s cause. Witnessing poverty-stricken children on the streets every time I visit the country after which my daughter is named is heart wrenching. The only way to have an enduring impact on generations to come is to enable these children to be educated. The Turin to Monte Carlo route includes extremely demanding climbs, but I’m really looking forward to the challenge and raising money for Akshaya Patra. 

Monday, August 26, 2013

Rise in attendance in Bhilai schools due to Akshaya Patra meals

The Times Of India: Bhilai: Amid the midday meal scare in Bihar and other similar incidents hitting headlines, schools around steel city Bhilai, see a silver lining with 'Akshaya Patra', providing hygienic and tasty food from its centralized kitchen. It cooks, packs and supplies hot meal to over 29,000 students in and around Bhilai leading to an excellent improvement in attendance of students.
Setting its mark, Akshaya Patra, jingled as 'unlimited food for education'. It has tied students to its tasty, hot-served meal, shooting up the attendance to above 84 per cent in the last six years, claims a survey by ORG Centre for Social Research. The impact of midday meal in classroom has made students score above 50 per cent, according to the study.
Anyone entering the factory-like kitchen has to wear slippers, gloves and caps and meals are stirred out in huge vessels, untouched by humans. The cooking starts at five in the morning and finished by eight. The vehicles for transportation are washed before the meal boards them and are heat insulated and dust-free.
The social service organization, which went operational in Bhilai in 2008, is recorded as the largest midday meal provider by Limca Book of Records and aims to feed 50 lakh students by the year 2020.
Serving around 158 schools in and around Bhilai, Akshaya Patra maintains a non-negotiable hygienic kitchen keeping food safety as the top priority and packs food in hot stainless steel boxes and sends through customized vans to feed 95 per cent of school students. "The only complaint is that students demand dry vegetable without gravy, but our cooking machines are yet to reach that stage," President of Akshaya Patra, Bhilai, Vyomapada Das told TOI.
While there is a demand from many other schools for the facility, the NGO is facing resistance from a few powerful local politicians. Akshaya Patra, which is serving 1.3 million school students in nine states, is ready to extend the facility to other parts of the state as well if given support by the state government.
Das admitted that the modern plant is underutilized. "It is capable to prepare above 50,000 meals but we feed only 29,000. The cost per child born by the organization is Rs 8, out of which Rs 4 is paid by the government and Rs 2.50 by Bhilai Steel Plant," he said.

Friday, August 23, 2013

Probe charges against ISKCON, Akshaya Patra, says House panel

The Indian Express: A parliamentary committee on the welfare of Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes has sought "thorough examination" of allegations against prominent NGOs like ISKCON and Akshaya Patra, engaged by state governments for supply of midday meals.
"It has been alleged that ISKCON and Akshaya Patra are collecting unauthorised and illegal donations from public, in India and abroad, for the government-sponsored midday meal scheme for school children in Karnataka," the committee has said in its report on "prevention of untouchability in midday meal scheme in government-run schools".
The report also notes that "cook-cum-helpers were agitating on the involvement of Akshay Patra Foundation because it was depriving them of employment... The independent monitoring institute of the scheme has also reported that the foundation is not serving eggs on the plea that it serves only vegetarian meals".
The committee has said the allegations should be "examined thoroughly and, if found guilty, action should be initiated against the NGO and its involvement in the scheme should be reviewed/ monitored".
The panel has said the "credentials of all NGOs involved in the scheme should be verified", and the state governments should periodically check the functioning of these NGOs and proper utlisation of funds.
When contacted, H G Radha Krishna Das, managing programme director, ISKCON Food Relief Foundation, said: "I refute the charge that it is illegal to seek donations when the finance ministry has bestowed 100 per cent tax exemption for all donations made to the ISKCON Food Relief Foundation... As far as serving eggs is concerned, those demanding it are free to get them from elsewhere."
He added that ISKCON was open to any inquiry, but all self-help groups involved in the scheme also be probed.
Chanchalapathi Das, vice chairman and trustee of the Akshaya Patra Foundation, said the allegations were very "inappropriate". "We have been very transparent with our accounts and share our annual reports with all MPs and MLAs of the states where we serve," he said, adding that the organisation would respond after receiving an official communication.
On the issue of serving eggs, Das said the meals provided were prepared scientifically and with required nutritional value.
On reports of caste-based discrimination/segregation in serving of midday meals in over 180 schools across five states, the committee has sought "exemplary punishment" for teachers who may be playing a role in "perpetuating untouchability and sowing seeds of caste-related discrimination in young minds".

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Are ISKCON Leaders Criminals?

Kṛṣṇacandra Dāsa: ISKCON or the International Society for Krsna Consciousness is meant for the propagation of Lord Caitanya’s Sankirtan Movement. We as a society should represent the absolute truth by setting the highest example of religious practice and standard and be a world leader in the principles of religious life. However this will prove impossible if the leaders of our society cannot, by their personal example, display symptoms of a practitioner of the religious standards set by our parampara and His Divine Grace AC Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada.
As we are all aware our society has been fraught with many examples of behavior unbecoming of a practitioner of spiritual life with many of our leaders being engaged in amoral or criminal activity which has gone largely unpunished by internal institutional measures or have gone under the radar of the legal justice system. When discussing such matters with a member of the Vṛndāvan Executive Board (VEB) he recently told me that he did not consider that ISKCON was a criminal organization.
Kṛṣṇacandra Dāsa: I am not your enemy nor am I critical as you think I simply want the society that I live and serve to be better than a criminal organization which it is at this time.
VEB Member: “Well me too but I don’t agree that it is a criminal society or has ever been one.”
It was obvious that he did not see his actions and inactions as an Executive Board Member representing the GBC as being criminal in any shape or form. It was also obvious that he was thinking that ‘criminal’ narrowly refers to someone who has been arrested, charged and convicted of a crime by the legal justice system.
I have been calling the GBC and Gurus criminals for many years now, however, I am referring to the concept of a criminal in a much broader sense than they understand it to be. To them it means someone who has been charged and convicted of a crime and since they have never reported one of their fellow criminals to the police and have chosen instead to deal with the crime internally by covering it up as much as possible, they do not see themselves as criminals or someone who aids and abets a criminal.
Śrīla Prabhupāda used the term ‘criminal’ to describe the nitya baddha jīvas who are in the material world.
Just as there are different departments in each state in this material world–the civil department and the criminal department–so, in God’s creation, there are two departments of existence. As in the material world we find that the criminal department is far, far smaller than the civil department, so this material world, which is considered the criminal department, is one fourth of the entire creation of the Lord. All living entities who are residents of the material universes are considered to be more or less criminals because they do not wish to abide by the order of the Lord or they are against the harmonious activities of God’s will. [SB.3.15.33]
In the general sense criminal means:
 Adjective – Bringing or deserving severe rebuke or censure / Guilty of a crime or serious offence / Involving, being or having the nature of a crime
We are all criminals in the sense that we want to lord it over our bodies and the objects of our senses. However, in doing so we reject and ignore Kṛṣṇa and the truth of His rule and role in our lives and impose our own rule and role as we struggle to gain control of everything that we feel will give us some advantage in our life’s struggle to dominate and in doing so we contravene His laws of nature and are therefore liable to be punished.
Actually everyone is suffering within this material world due to ignorance. Every day we see that a person without knowledge commits some criminal act and is later arrested and punished, despite the fact that he actually may not have been conscious of his sinful activity. Such ignorance prevails throughout the world. People do not consider how they are risking their lives in an attempt to have illicit sex life, kill animals to satisfy their tongue, enjoy intoxication and gamble. It is very regrettable that the leaders of the world do not know of the effects of these sinful activities. They are instead taking things very easily and are succeeding in making the ocean of nescience wider and wider. [SB.4.24.75]
As the kali yuga progresses the ocean of nescience becomes wider and more difficult to cross. ISKCON was established to make this ocean easier to cross for those who desire to cross over and therefore be saved from the bondage of material suffering. The leaders of our society must lead by their personal example and by protecting the innocent in order to decrease the ocean of nescience rather than widen it by engaging in illicit behavior.
A person in the mode of ignorance commits many sinful activities. In the Bhakti-rasāmṛta-sindhu, Śrīla Rūpa Gosvāmī explains that a man becomes sinful out of ignorance only. The resultant effect of sinful life is suffering. Those who are not in knowledge, who commit violations of the standard laws, are subject to be punished under criminal laws. Similarly, the laws of nature are very stringent. If a child touches fire without knowing the effect, he must be burned, even though he is only a child. If a child violates the law of nature, there is no compassion. Only through ignorance does a person violate the laws of nature, and when he comes to knowledge he does not commit any more sinful acts.
The King became tired after killing so many animals. When a man comes in contact with a saintly person, he becomes aware of the stringent laws of nature and thus becomes a religious person. Irreligious persons are like animals, but in this Kṛṣṇa consciousness movement such persons can come to a sense of understanding things as they are and abandon the four principles of prohibited activities–namely illicit sex life, meat-eating, gambling and intoxication. This is the beginning of religious life. Those who are so-called religious and indulge in these four principles of prohibited activities are pseudoreligionists. Religious life and sinful activity cannot parallel one another. If one is serious in accepting a religious life, or the path of salvation, he must adhere to the four basic rules and regulations. However sinful a man may be, if he receives knowledge from the proper spiritual master and repents his past activities in his sinful life and stops them, he immediately becomes eligible to return home, back to Godhead. This is made possible just by following the rules and regulations given by the śāstra and following the bona fide spiritual master. [SB.4.26.10]
Religious life and sinful life do not parallel one another and so if the leaders are sinful they cannot lead in religious matters and only create resentment in their followers. The role of a leader in our ISKCON society is to lead our society on the path to righteousness and not to engage in or condone irreligious activities at the expense of the truth and religious life. They have to set the example for following religious principles by strictly following the religious principles set down by Śrīla Prabhupāda for us to follow and if they don’t –  then they must be rejected.
The above edict by Śrīla Prabhupāda was ordered simply because the GBC had appointed Atreya Rsi without Śrīla Prabhupāda’s approval. How much of the GBC’s orders have been inculcated into our ISKCON society that go against not only Śrīla Prabhupāda’s edicts, teachings and instructions but go against the criminal law codes of secular society?? Yet the GBC continues on its way unchecked by guru, sādhu and śāstra and are accepted as our authority by the sheep like rank and file devotee???
The conditioned soul is sometimes attracted to the little happiness derived from sense gratification. Thus he has illicit sex or steals another’s property. At such a time he may be arrested by the government or chastised by the woman’s husband or protector. Thus simply for a little material satisfaction, he falls into a hellish condition and is put into jail for rape, kidnapping, theft and so forth. [SB.5.14.22]
Simply read the situation that is happening in Śrī Vṛndāvan Dham to know that the Temple and MVT authorities are by no means following spiritual standards or even moral standards of human life.
How many of our leaders have engaged in illicit activity or have supported those who are engaging in illicit activity at the expense of the members of our devotional community? If a leader or a follower is engaged in illicit activity then they are to be considered as criminals or those who have contravened the religious, moral, ethical, philosophical and legal laws and codes. The prime example would be Kirtanananda who was the most notorious breaker of the law. How many children did he sexually molest and the GBC knew very well of his crimes and yet he was never investigated or charged with any of those offences as there was no report made to the police. We may cast the finger of accusation against him as a perpetrator of heinous crimes against children but how different are the GBC who were very much aware of his activities and did nothing to protect the children by reporting him to the police?
Mahārāja Parīkṣit said: One may know that sinful activity is injurious for him because he actually sees that a criminal is punished by the government and rebuked by people in general and because he hears from scriptures and learned scholars that one is thrown into hellish conditions in the next life for committing sinful acts. Nevertheless, in spite of such knowledge, one is forced to commit sins again and again, even after performing acts of atonement. Therefore, what is the value of such atonement? [SB.6.1.9]
Any such criminal must be punished by the Government and rebuked by the people in general or they will continue to reoffend and ultimately damage the lives of innocent people. This is the same of our ISKCON society. So long as so called devotees who are acting in positions within our institution are not punished by the government for breaking the law and/or they are punished by the institution and not rebuked by the general devotee, they will continue to engage in sinful activity at the expense of our society and our members. How different would our society be had the GBC reported any criminal activity to the police?
How much child abuse, theft, fraud/embezzlement, tax evasion, charity fraud, misappropriation of donations and visa scams has gone on under the full support of our GBC? How many reports from the general devotees have been squashed and the reporters vilified and kicked out of the Temple for making the report? How much of this has gone on in our glorious ISKCON society?
In one’s memory how many crimes have we heard about which have been “handled” internally that should have been reported to the police and criminal charges brought against the perpetrator? I have yet to hear any. But I have seen Temple Authorities use the police or private security guards against their own people many times.
According to Śrīla Madhvācārya, persons above the age of fourteen are considered capable of distinguishing between good and bad and are thus responsible for their pious and sinful activities. [SB.11.21.16]
According to Śrīla Madhava Ācārya, once a person is fourteen they can tell between right and wrong and so they are from then on absolutely responsible for their actions and inactions. If a fourteen year old can discriminate what does this mean for a adult devotee who has been trained to know the distinction between right and wrong according to the laws of nature as well as for the laws of religious or dharmic principles and who chooses to contravene or break these laws even after taking vows to their spiritual master His Divine Grace AC Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupāda?
To knowingly break these laws infers criminal intent. To defend the violator at the expense of the truth and the victim is reprehensible. Mahārāja Parīkṣit did not require the testimony of Dharma, the bull, or Mother Bhumi, the cow, who were being beaten to death by Kali yuga Kali to enact punishment. So too the rank and file devotee should be fully protected by the Temple Presidents, GBC’s or Sannyasis and there should be no need to report any abuses or crimes by others or our leaders as these leaders of our society should already be hyper vigilant and aware of the crimes and actively seek to protect the rank and file devotee who are volunteering their lives in the service of our ISKCON society.
Generally, one commits sinful activities due to ignorance. But ignorance is no excuse for evading the reaction–sinful activities. Sinful activities are of two kinds: those which are mature and those which are not mature. The sinful activities for which we are suffering at the present moment are called mature. The many sinful activities stored within us for which we have not yet suffered are considered immature. For example, a man may have committed criminal acts, but not yet been arrested for them. Now, as soon as he is detected, arrest is awaiting him. Similarly, for some of our sinful activities we are awaiting distresses in the future, and for others, which are mature, we are suffering at the present moment. [Nectar of Devotion]
Simply because the GBC or Temple authorities are engaging in either criminal activity or criminal negligence by aiding and abetting known criminals does not mean that they will not escape punishment. Nor do we evade any reactions should we knowingly allow criminal activity to occur and not respond appropriately. Anyone claiming to be an aspiring Brahman or Ksatriya cannot actually claim to be so if they sit back and do nothing when devotees are being abused or criminal activity is being enacted. The Brahman uses the pen and the Ksatriya uses the sword or strength of administrative power by their institutional position and by reporting the criminal to the legal justice system.
But if no one acts to prevent or to punish the miscreants they all will becomes coconspirators of the criminal act.
It is a well known fact that we must act according to law, or we will be punished. If one commits criminal activities, the state will punish him. Sometimes, however, a criminal may escape punishment by the state, but this is not the case with God’s law. One can cheat others, commit theft and hide, thereby saving himself from the punishment of the state, but one cannot save himself from the superior law, the law of nature. It is very difficult because there are many witnesses: the daylight is witness, the moonlight is witness, and Kṛṣṇa is the supreme witness. Thus one cannot say, “I am committing this sin, but no one can see me. [Matchless Gift]
Our suffering is caused by the many dirty things within our heart. We are just like a criminal who has dirty things within his heart. He thinks, “If I get such-and-such thing, I’ll be happy.” And at the risk of his life he commits a crime. A burglar, a thief, knows that if he is captured by the police he’ll be punished, but still he goes and steals. Why? Nūnaṁ pramattaḥ: He has become mad after sense gratification. That’s all. [JSD]
Only Lord Kṛṣṇa can save us from the reactions of our sinful life and we will only be recipients of His mercy if we follow Śrīla Prabhupāda. To follow or support the GBC or Temple Authority or the bogus rubberstamped Guru who is engaging in criminal activity or who is supporting the said criminal is no ‘get out of jail free’ ticket. All of you will be punished.
The Viṣṇudūtas chastised the Yamadūtas for violating the principles of justice. Such corruption of the judicial system is very prominent in Kali-yuga. The judicial system is meant to provide for execution of justice, yet false witnesses and bribery make it difficult. With money, almost anyone can get a favorable judgment in court. If the justice system is corrupt, life becomes extremely troublesome. The government is supposed to offer the citizens protection, as parents do for their children. A small child is completely dependent on his father and mother, thinking with full faith, “My father is here, my mother is here–I am safe.” But if the father and mother are corrupt, where is the protection for the child? Similarly, if the whole government is corrupt, where is the protection for the citizens?
Whatever the heads of society do, people generally follow. The government or king is like a father to the citizens. A father will never tolerate the killing or injuring of his children. He will give up his own life trying to attack the person threatening his children. Yet today crime is rampant. The government spends billions of dollars, but the citizens have no security in their lives. The government is answerable to the citizens because it must protect and provide for them. If the government is incapable or corrupt, then what is the position of the citizens?
 In Kali-yuga, people have no shelter. Due to corrupt government, they are uncertain of their lives and property. The mass of people should always feel secure because of the government’s protection. Therefore, how regrettable it is for the government itself to cause a breach of trust and put the citizens in difficulty for political reasons.
[A Second Chance]
How many times has the ISKCON institution acted to use bribery and coercion to ensure that the criminal and their crime are covered up??? This is a very common occurrence here in India I am sorry to say where it is almost impossible to have a Temple authority charged with a crime due to the system of bribery.
I have personal experience of this when a Temple President here in Śrī Vrndvana Dhama had a western woman beaten and put in jail uncharged. It took me two months to have her released. Thanks to the government officials who were the ones who facilitated this inhuman travesty of justice, I was eventually able to have her released. These officials expressed their disgust at our ISKCON society who has such men in charge that would do such a thing to their own members and a woman member at that. These senior officials were very well aware of the situation in our ISKCON society and so I had no difficulty appealing to their better nature to aid me in my quest.
It must be noted that this mataji was a western woman who was an older dedicated member of our society who was thrown into an Indian jail by the then Temple President of ISKCON Vṛndāvan. There was no question of the protection of a woman by this FISKCON leader. Fortunately I was instrumental in having him removed from his post a few months later but unfortunately the GBC had to promote him in order to have him resign. Can you imagine that they had to promote him to get him to resign? What does this say about our society? What does this say about the type of person they appoint as being their Temple Presidents???
To use bribery in India is a common practice for both the guilty and the innocent. It all depends on who pays the most. In the above case even though I had to bribe some officials the main ones who were instrumental in having her in prison took no money from me as they felt so remorseful at their deed. It cost me only twenty thousand rupees to get her out but I would like to know how much was paid by FISKCON to have her beaten and imprisoned???????
It must be said that there was no such mercy from our own GBC and Temple Presidents given to me or this mataji. The GBC and Temple President acted mercilessly and actively impeded her release from prison.
So when I say our GBC and Temple Authorities are CRIMINALS I think it would be impossible to prove to me otherwise!!!

Friday, August 16, 2013

Mahanidhi Swami's Original Letter of August 13, 2013

Sri Sri Guru Gauranga Jayate!
Dear devotees and friends,
Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada. For your consideration I offer the following explanation of the recent events of my life.
The Veda Purana says in Kali-yuga, disciples will become so antagonistic, envious and ungrateful that they will even kill their own Guru. Recently, a few disciples have accused me of improper behavior with a female devotee, and that was publicized worldwide.
Contrary to the thousands of false statements, distorted facts, wild exaggerated stories and complete lies, I have never had any illicit relations with a woman or man during my entire devotional life. Of course, this is only possible by the mercy of my Gurudeva Srila Prabhupada, Lord Gauranga and Sri Krishna’s Holy Names. And in no way have I left my eternal divine holy master Srila Prabhupada, and ran away with a woman or some other Guru.
Why did I resign from ISKCON, the International Society for Krishna Consciousness? By the 15th of June 2013, I observed that some antagonistic disciples had formed a conspiracy, and then forcefully spread slanderous allegations and completely false stories about my character to the disciples, and then throughout India and overseas. Not only was my name, reputation, disciple sanga, and preaching platform destroyed, but so to was all the wonderful preaching being done by the disciples. Seeing that permanent damage was already done, and feeling that the situation was hopeless, I accepted it as Bhagavan Sri Krishna’s sweet will. 
Now it seems that time had come to change the focus, and concentrate on my personal internal spiritual development. At this time, I suddenly remembered some important siksha Srila Prabhupada gave in 1972. 
In that year, my Gurudeva Srila Prabhupada said, “Preach while you are young. When you are old, retire to Vrndavana and chant Hare Krishna. If you have preached sufficiently, you can retire to chant Hare Krishna.” (Prabhupada Lilamrta Vol 5 pg. 94: 1983 ed.)
I am sixty-three years old, and have spent the last forty years of my life in ISKCON actively preaching and publishing books to spread the science of Krishna 
Consciousness around the world. Feeling that I have preached sufficiently, I thought now I can follow my Gurudeva’s siksha to retire in Vrndavana and chant Hare Krishna. 
Thus, I resigned from the glorious preaching campaign of ISKCON to spend the balance of my life at Radha Kunda in Sridhama Vrndavana, chanting the sweet Holy Names of Sri Krishna, with the hope of someday attaining the most cherished goal of Radha-Krishna prema, pure love of God.
In closing, I want to take this opportunity to humbly beg forgiveness from any Vaisnava whom I may have offended during this most difficult time of my life. Also, I want to it to be clearly understood that I will always love and serve my eternal Gurudeva Srila Prabhupada, and maintain the deepest respect and gratitude toward ISKCON and all the devotees.
And if Bhagavan Sri Krishna blesses me, then in the future I may receive the good fortune to render a little service for the pleasure of the Vaisnavas.
Jai Jai Sri Radhe!
mahanidhi swami august 13, 2013

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

ISKCON GBC's Executive Committee Letter on Mahanidhi Swami

From the Executive Committee of the ISKCON Governing Body Commission (GBC)
August 3, 2013
Dear Devotees of ISKCON,
Please accept our humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada.
We regret to inform you that the GBC Executive Committee has received a letter from Mahanidhi Swami, a disciple of Srila Prabhupada since 1975, announcing that he has "decided to resign from the glorious preaching mission of ISKCON'.
Prior to receiving that letter, reports were brought to our attention alleging inappropriate behavior on the part of Mahanidhi Swami on both a personal and philosophical level. The GBC began an investigation of those and found some of the allegations to be true, including inappropriate interactions with a female disciple. Although the extent of those problems is not clear, we found there was definitely behavior not befitting someone in the renounced order of life.
It was during this investigation that Mahanidhi Swami chose to resign.
In a prayerful mood, we would like to comment briefly on this situation. As Vaishnavas, we understand that the obstacles of this material world are very difficult to overcome. Srila Prabhupada warned us that many stalwarts may fall from the path of Krishna consciousness if we are not cautious in the execution of our devotional service.
As stated in an official GBC paper in March of this year:
Those who accept the service of diksha or siksha guru within ISKCON are mandated to be strict followers of the instructions of Srila Prabhupada, and, as long as they follow, they are acting on the liberated platform. Thus they may serve, as Srila Prabhupada ordered, as bonafide representatives of the Lord and the Guru Parampara and be a via medium of Their mercy. Yet it should be clearly understood that if such diksha or siksha gurus deviate from strictly following, they may fall down from their position.
Therefore, we should all be careful to strictly follow the standards of Krishna consciousness as given to us by our Founder-Acarya and the previous acaryas. At the same time, Srila Prabhupada taught us to be concerned about the well being of our fellow Vaishnavas and to encourage each other to continue in devotional service to the best of our ability.
In that spirit, the GBC is continuing to reach out to Mahanidhi Swami. GBC members have also met with followers and disciples of Mahanidhi Swami to offer them our support.
We ask that the devotees of ISKCON pray for Mahanidhi Swami and the devotees affected by his difficulties. And as always, we offer our own humble prayers for all the Vaishnavas and the devotees of ISKCON and request Lord Krishna to kindly protect us and guide us all towards His eternal service.
Hare Krsna.
Your servants,
Tamohara Das, Chair
Anuttama Das
Praghosa Das
(Members of the GBC Executive Committee)

Monday, August 5, 2013

Ksheera Bhagya: Complete food, incomplete coverage

Students from a Government school in Gandhinagar
drinking free milk under a scheme that was launched
throughout the state in Mangalore. Photo: R.Eswarraj
The Hindu: Though the district administration launched ‘Ksheera Bhagya’, the milk distribution scheme for students with much fanfare on Thursday, as many as 149 government schools in Mangalore taluk will be unable to reap its benefits, at least for the time being.
The government has placed the responsibility of the scheme in the district with ISKCON’s Akshaya Patra Foundation, which is supplying mid-day meals to these schools. The government offered 59 paise per child to the Foundation and Rs. 100 as special incentive to cooks for supplying milk. The Foundation has sought two months’ time to organise the project. Similar request has been made to other non-government organisations providing mid-day meal to students.
“It is a question of supplying 3,000 litres of milk per day. There is a lot of logistical issues involved. We have sought a time of two months,” said Foundation’s General Manager in Mangalore Nandanacharya Das. The Foundation has been providing mid-day meals in Mangalore for over seven years.
Why doesn’t the administration arrange to send milk powder to schools until ISKCON can kick off? Dakshina Kannada Milk Producers Union (DKMUL) Managing Director B.K. Satyanarayana said this is because the schools did not have the infrastructure to prepare milk from powder.
The Foundation has been asked to provide milk in as many as 2,210 schools in Bangalore, Hubli, Bellary and Mysore. “It is the question of distributing 65,000 litres of milk per day,” said Vinay Kumar, Manager of the Foundation’s operations in Bangalore and Hubli. As many as 1,550 schools are covered in Bangalore and Hubli. The Foundation does not have the necessary infrastructure to heat the milk, cool it, fill it and transport it to schools. “It is a sensitive task and involves investments for which clearances have to be taken,” he said. Mr. Kumar said if the Foundation is not ready it would suggest ways of reaching milk to the children.
Education Officer of Akshara Dasoha Scheme K.L. Manjula said the exact number of schools that have received milk powder will be available on Friday.

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