ISKCON TRUTH is a website publishing all the hidden stories of ISKCON Worldwide with ISKCON News, Videos, Songs, Kirtans, Events and so on.
ISKCON TRUTH is a website publishing all the hidden stories of ISKCON Worldwide with ISKCON News, Videos, Songs, Kirtans, Events and so on.
Is the ISKCON TRUTH Website
separate from ISKCON?
Yes, ISKCON Truth is a separate entity and we are not related to ISKCON or its community. ISKCON Truth is a website run by a private company linked to devotees across the world. The owner of this website is NOT related to ISKCON nor its activities. This website is just an Internet publication or an online media handled by a private company.
Term ISKCON is used in ISKCON TRUTH, is this not illegal?
No, ISKCON TRUTH domain name can be used because under cyber law and crime law of any country does allow website domain names however under certain criteria like using name to sell products is illegal, using a domain name is NOT illegal. Publishing ISKCON News is also not illegal under Press Laws.
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