Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Big Reward $108,000

$108,000.00 cash reward money for any ISKCON guru who can show the Nam Hatta an original, signed document dated July 9, 1977 or later from Srila Prabhupada's hand, naming any person or persons specifically appointed to the position of full guru-acharya, authorized to initiate disciples as his own after the disappearance of Srila Prabhupada.
Failure on the part of any guru means he must publicly give up his unauthorized guru title and return his disciples to the lotus feet of Srila Prabhupada, the sampradaya acharya and founder of ISKCON.
Previously (August, 1977) a challenge and reward of 500,000 rupees was offered by ISKCON to Dr. Kovoor, a prominent scientist of Sri Lanka, to prove his claim that life is generated by chemical interaction. Dr. Kovoor was invited to a public meeting, where he could bring his chemicals and produce life by creating a cat, mouse, a mosquito or any other plainly visible living creature from inert chemicals. Dr. Kovoor failed to win the Rs. 500,000 prize. He died a few months later, publicly humiliated.
Now ISKCON is being challenged by Nam Hatta devotees world-wide: "Produce the written document, signed by Srila Prabhupada, ordering any devotee to act as guru-acharya of ISKCON."
Submit documented claims to any Nam Hatta centre near you.
Nam Hatta World Sankirtan Party
P.O. Box 157 * Geyserville, CA 95445 * USA
Dated: June 1993

NOTE: This REWARD is still unclaimed by the many Iskcon Gurus as of the Year 2009
This is a real offer. It's not a joke. There is no expiration date. Bhima das backs it up, so if any ISKCON guru wants money, all he has to do is bring proof and collect on it.
So far no ISKCON guru has dared to come forward to answer it.
Some years back, Gour Govinda Maharaja disciples came to collect from Bhima in Singapore, insisting that their guru had told them that he had received a letter from Srila Prabhupada himself to become the acharya.

Bhima asked for the
proof, but they had none. So a few months or so later, Gour Govinda Maharaja came to Singapore. Bhima went to the meeting, brought his cheque book, and after Gour Govinda Maharaja finished speaking his lecture, Bhima asked him, "So Maharaja, your disciples say that Srila Prabhupada personally gave you the order to become spiritual master. Can you please explain why you waited all those years until GBC appointed you to become guru? Why didn't you immediately act on the order?"

Gour Govinda Maharaja responded, "What is that? What is it?" So Bhima spoke up a little louder, "Maharaja, is there an order for you to become guru?" No reply. Again Bhima asked, "Did Srila Prabhupada give you the order to become guru?" Silence. Bhima raised his voice, "Is there an order?" Everyone in the room was shocked. Maharaja was visibly stunned, and momentarily speechless. There was an uncomfortable pause.
He answered, "No order. No order. No order." Three times. He was red-faced and couldn't speak for 5 minutes afterwards, then asked the devotees to sing kirtan. A week later he passed away in India. Not since then has anyone else claimed to possess the required proof.
And in case anyone on this list wants to promote Narayan Maharaja as acharya, let him or her consider that Narayana Maharaja's own guru did not see him fit to become acharya even of that small math and handed it over to someone else instead, and Narayana, having nowhere else to go and nothing else to do, sat down there until some foolish ISKCON "gurus" turned to him looking to boost or prop up their own "uttama" qualifications.
Gaudiya Math self-appointed acharyas
Srila Prabhupada, August 16, 1976, Bombay (Conversations with Srila Prabhupada, Vol. 26, p. 59-60)

"If one remains always a servant everlastingly of guru, then he is liberated. And as soon as he thinks that he is liberated, he's a rascal. That is the teaching of Chaitanya Mahaprabhu.... You must be ready always to be chastised by guru. Then he's liberated. And as soon as he thinks that "I am beyond this chastisement, I am liberated," he's a rascal....

Why this Gaudiya Math failed? Because
they tried to become more than guru. He [Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Saraswati Thakura], before passing away, he gave them all direction and never said that "This man should be the next acharya .." But these people, just after his passing away, they began to fight, who shall be acharya . That is the failure. They never thought, "Why Guru Maharaja gave us instruction so many things, why he did not say that this man should be acharya? " They wanted to create artificially somebody acharya, and everything failed. They did not consider even with common sense that if Guru Maharaja wanted to appoint somebody as acharya, why did he not say? He said so many things, and this point he missed? The real point? And they insist upon it. They declared some unfit person to become acharya . Then another man came, then another, acharya, another acharya . So better remain a foolish person perpetually to be directed by Guru Maharaja. That is perfection. --

Therefore we may not commit the same mistake in our ISKCON camp. Actually amongst my Godbrothers no one is qualified to become acarya. So it is better not to mix with my Godbrothers very intimately because instead of inspiring our students and disciples they may sometimes pollute them. This attempt was made previously by them, especially Madhava Maharaja and Tirtha Maharaja and Bon Maharaja but somehow or other I saved the situation. This is going on. We shall be very careful about them and not mix with them. This is my instruction to you all. They cannot help us in our movement, but they are very competent to harm our natural progress. So we must be very careful about them.

". . .He was first deputed by my Guru Maharaja, along with our late God Brother, Bhakti Pradip Tirtha Maharaja, to open a missionary center in London, and they stayed there for 3 years, but didn't make any appreciable advance. Except that spent enormous money of my Guru Maharaja, and later on they were called back to India. So that is a great history; it is not possible to say everything in this letter, but for the present, be satisfied with these words, and later we shall talk more and more. On the whole, you may know that he is not a liberated person, and therefore, he cannot initiate any person to Krishna Consciousness. It requires special spiritual benediction from higher authorities."
[Srila Prabhupada Letter to: Janardana -- New York 26 April, 1968]

Srila Prabhupada: "I am practically seeing that as soon as they, our students, begin to learn a little Sanskrit, they immediately feel they have become more than their guru. Then the policy is to kill their guru and become guru themselves". "As soon as he learns that Guru Maharaj is dead, now I am so advanced I can kill guru and become guru. Then he is finished." (Srila Prabhupada 1976)....

Monday, December 13, 2010

Radhanath Swami’s Alleged Involvement in Sulochan’s Murder

A Pastime or a Pastcrime?

Aug 17, 2010 — AUSTRIA (SUN) — Examining the role of Radhanath Swami in the murder of Sulocana dasa. 

Was Radhanath Swami justified in instigating and supervising the murder of his godbrother, Sulocana dasa? This is the question. “Radhanath did it!” – there seems to be no question about that; the evidence provided by Hrishikesh dasa in his recent posting, Radhanath Swami’s Alleged Involvement in Sulochan’s Murder “, appears conclusive. But was the murder justified?

Murder Justifiable?
Could one think the murder justified, when one realizes that Kirtanananda was actually not a pure devotee be preciously protected, but rather an active, predatory homosexual who was disingenuously posing as an appointed and empowered disciplic successor to Srila Prabhupada. Such studied hypocrisy of Kirtanananda damns any possibility in justifying the murder of Sulocana Prabhu. Kirtanananda just was not worth it. 
This begs the question: Did Radhanath know that Kirtanananda was bogus, or did he genuinely think Kirtanananda a pure maha-bhagavata devotee? If Radhanath genuinely considered Kirtanananda a maha-bhagavata, then it could be argued that Radhanath made an “innocent” mistake in instigating the murder.

Ignorance Equals Innocence?
At the heart of this argument is the idea that if one makes a genuine mistake, then one is innocent. Or to put it another way: “Ignorance makes one innocent!” This is patently a nonsense assertion. Sri Yamaraja Prabhu is unlikely to accept that argument. Mistaken ignorance is the root cause of the fallen living entities involvement in the binding cycle of karmic action and reaction. To twist that mistaken ignorance in the opposite direction and use it as a “karmic excuse” is an absurd reversal of karmic law. Particularly, when one considers that it would be the bounden duty of Radhanath to know well the qualities of Sulocana Prabhu and Kirtanananda before he instigated the “holy murder” of Sulocana Prabhu, who in fact was essentially speaking the truth of the whole “Guru Business“.

Tirtha das / Thomas Drescher, the murderer of Sulocana Prabhu - killed on the order of Radhanath Swami, after receiving 6000 dollar from Radhanath and Kirtanananda

Was Ignorance Possible?

So, no justification so far. But now another question arises begging: How could Radhanath not know the real nature of Kirtanananda? Radhanath was a member of the innermost circle of New Vrndavana. So how could he not know of Kirtanananda’s active homosexual nature? After all, it was a long-standing rumor coming out of New Vrndavana, well known to devotees even on the other side of world who had never ever been to New Vrndavana. So how could Radhanath not have known that Kirtanananda was a fake, a false pretender, mindlessly taking the worship and position of a maha-bhagavata?

So we arrive at three sobering conclusions:
    1. The murder of Sulocana Prabhu was not justified by some argument that Kirtanananda was some maha-bhagavata to be protected. 2. The argument that Radhanath was ignorant of Kirtanananda’s real nature and therefore innocent in his “ignorance” in instigating the murder is a false and specious argument. 3. Finally, being a member of the innermost circle of New Vrndavana, it is almost impossible to believe that Radhanath would be ignorant of the real nature of the pretender, Kirtanananda.
Ultimately, however only Sri Krsna is privy to the consciousness of Radhanath, and He will judge accordingly. However, given the neophyte and spurious nature of those involved in instigating the unjustified murder, we observers to the whole ghastly affair should know with certainty that this was not a transcendental pastime. Rather, this murder was a crime, both materially and spiritually.
All those involved, including Radhanath, are a living disgrace for their evil deed.
No matter what is the present show, they have no excuse for their past crime.
And what the future holds, even Sri Brahmaji does not know.
Aum Tat Sat

Sulocana Prabhu, murdered by Thirtha das on the order of Radhanath Swami and Kirtanananda
Radhanath is Planning Something
Aug 15, 2010 — INDIA (SUN) — If you notice Radhanath Swami and some of the other boys from the New Vrindaban era — boys like Devamrita Swami — I cannot help but feel that they have some sneaky plan going on. How come all of their programs are outside of ISKCON? They are like the Lotus, which even though it grows in water, never gets wet. Even though they don the mantle of an ISKCON Guru/GBC/Sannyasi, all their projects are never in ISKCON’s name.
Take Radhanath, who is one of the most incredible takeover merchants in ISKCON today. How many Temples in the ISKCON world are now controlled and operated by his disciples, and how many of these temples exclude any devotee who does not bow in supplication to His Holiness?
It is also very interesting to know that there are many properties in India which are owned and run by his disciples that are training grounds for hundreds of brahmacaris. I hear that he is doing the same thing in many other countries across the world.
What is he up to? Why is he so secretive?
It is also a fact that many senior GBC men are beginning to ask questions and are becoming suspicious of his motives and agenda.
Maybe he is planning on starting up his own movement with his babaji from Varsana, Ramesh Baba?
Whatever this Radhanath Swami is doing, it will never be for Srila Prabhupada and for the ISKCON devotees, for he is way too egotistical and self-centered.
But he is planning something… and it’s bad…
Dinanath Carana das
Sulocana Prabhu seen here with his children, he was murdered on May 22nd, 1986, 1:00 a.m., Los Angeles, by the order of Radhanath and Kirtanananda
[PADA: Good analysis. Radhanatha is behind the Bangalore Court case, he wants control of that temple. He is also working with the Gaudiya Matha's Mandala Publishing devotees, who shun and criticize ISKCON and they love Sridhara's and Tripurari's programs. Radhanatha's book has photos of him with a bunch of Mayavadi Gurus that Srila Prabhupada despised. Yes, he is carving his own movement out of ISKCON, and he is going to walk off with a big chunk of the society and use it for -- himself. Good analysis, in sum he has burnt out New Vrndavana to ashes and now he is seeking new fields to burn to ashes, at ISKCON's expense. ys pd]

Radhanatha violates decree against Gaudiya Matha

Radhanatha’s printers are: Palace Press / Mandala Books. Rahugana, I think his name is Raul Goff? Anyway, he prints books for Tripurari, the Gaudiya Matha, and many other bogus people. Tripurari was “the guru of the gays,” but he also got into trouble with his followers for having a girlfriend. I am not surprised Radhanatha is their new darling. Anyway, Palace Press people have no interest in supporting ISKCON and they never go to the ISKCON temple here. They are Gaudiya Matha.
The GBC wrote a 23 page letter about how no one should associate with the Gaudiya Matha folks, but Radhanatha does that all day and all the time. I am really not worried about Radhanatha, we are gaining headway, new friends and contacts, and people who agree with us all the time.
Radhanatha’s ISKCON is definately falling apart, even he cannot save it. My friends at New Vrndavana said that the Palace Of Gold  roof is leaking, there are also foundation cracks problems, and the temple just now cut off paying temple apartment dwellers electric bills, citing they are out of money, they are losing support left, right and center and we are gaining support left, right and center. We are getting some new people in India too, etc. Its just a question of time. I also told some of the molested children who are not getting paid for their lawsuit against the GBC, that the reason they are not getting paid is that Radhanatha is spending all their money on lawyers to stop our free food programmes in India. Radhanatha is not making any friend with his new idea of starving the children program, believe me! I was also on CBS TV, 23 million people watched as I exposed the Radhanatha cult, he has a long way to go to catch up to my exposes. ys pd

Radhanatha is preaching — what?

Dear Prabhu, Radhanatha is “preaching” that Krishna’s successors are engaged in illicit sex, that is preaching? The messiah from heaven is: illicit sex? What kind of heaven is that? And RS’s crew were covering for Radhanatha’s best pals like Umapati and his disciple molesting program, which means – more victims. Why are they always covering for homosexuals, and for more than ten years?
RS came to San Francisco and was hanging with the former New Vrndavana “Palace Press” crowd, the former goons from New Vrndavana, who are sometimes printing books from the Gaudiya Matha and other bogus groups, and all of them shun ISKCON and do not participate in ISKCON either. RS’s former Palace Press folks would NEVER EVER accept the authority of the GBC nowadays, at all! But we have to? Why does he support this hypocrisy?
The GBC itself just said no one should mix with Narayana Maharaja, and yet Radhanatha is going there to meet him? What is he preaching? Now Radhanatha folks are suing us at a cost of millions, while there are bed bugs in USA temples and rats in the basement, and no money for the water pump? Why are we paying for lawyers to have mansions – and allow deity to have slum-lord conditions? Is this preaching?, let Krishna live in a slum and give the lawyers a mansion? And now Radhanatha people are putting Fakir Mohan in the European temples, a disciple of the famous homosexual guru from 1936. The homosexual guru program can speak, we cannot speak?
September 6, 2009, Mumbai. Radhanath Swami sitting besides Narayana Maharaja who is wearing a mask, giving darshan that morning in Mr. Dagaji's house and Radhanath Swami from ISKCON came to meet him and hear his message
I am in favor of preaching, but, what are you preaching? Yes! Preaching is hard, at the Ratha festival one of our ladies was attacked by a GBC goonda woman who likes Radhanatha. Why are you promoting a violent program against women devotees? One of our book distributors – Kanhaiya dasa – was attacked by Radhanatha’s friends in Seattle. Why does Radhanatha think he is authorized to incite harassing, yelling, pushing and even beatings and violence against the devotees of Krishna? We should not support violence against vaishnavas, because yes, that means Radhanatha wants it to be hard for our preachers by his inciting this violent mood. As we all know, anyone who incites violence against devotees has to go to the stone rollers of Yamaraja. This is why we oppose his program of having devotees banned, beaten and worse. The reason it is hard, he is making it hard! ys pd

Radhanatha Proven to be Involved in Murder of Sulocana

Some time go we were able to read article on the Sun written by Janmastami dasa entitled, "The Truth, the Whole Truth, and Nothing But…". What caught my attention was a legal document attached to the article. These are photos of the testimony of witness Dharmatma das (Dennis Gorrick) regarding the murder of Sulocana das (Steven Bryant). I don't know if readers really noted the contents of the letter. Usually such subjects raise a lot of dust, but this one went by quietly, unnoticed.
I would like to focus attention of readers on parts of this testimony, which particularly deals with the involvement of Radhanath Swami in this case. The characters in this testimony are Dharmatma (Dennis Gorrick), Kuladri (Arthur Villa), Radhanath (Richard Slavin), Hayagriva (Howard Wheeler), Tapahpunja (Terry Sheldon), Tirtha (Thomas Drescher) and Kirtanananda (Keith Ham, Bhaktipada, Mr. Swami, Number One).
From Dharmatma's testimony it is clear that he was disturbed by murder, and quite disturbed also was Kuladri das (Arthur Villa). Kuladri mentioned to Dharmatma that this murder should not happen, and how he told them (Radhanath, Hayagriva and Tapahpunja) not to do it. He mentioned that Radhanatha (Mr. Slavin), Hayagriva (Mr. Wheeler) and Tapahpunja (Mr. Sheldon) were pushing like crazy for the murder to happen.
In our ISKCON slang, we know exactly what " pushing like crazy" means. It means they were pushing real hard, they were really into it, working hard for it to happen over an extended period of time. And Dharmatma mentions Radhanath in the first place. One can conclude from this that since Radhanatha was the first one who came to Dharmatma's mind in connection with the murder, it may be that he was the main organizer. This will be later supported by another incident.
Later on we can read how Tapahpunja (Mr. Sheldon) was describing to Dharmatma about how neat it was, that the demon (Sulocana) was killed on the Appearance day of Nrsimhadeva. Dharmatma states that he was freaked by this. Tapahpunja was present at the murder, and he was describing it in detail.
And then starts the description of an arrangement for escape money. Now Tapahpunja and Tirtha (Drescher) had to get out of the country, so they needed money. Tapahpunja came to get money, but Dharmatma told him to go to Number One (Bhaktipada, Mr. Swami).
The testimony then continues to describe how the next day, Mr. Swami along with **rot not (Mr. Slavin) came to pick the money. Please note that at this point of testimony, Dharmatma actually used the name Radhanath, but the court stenographer, not knowing what that word Radhanath is, typed it as "**rot not". Rot not sounded similar to Radhanath, so the typist wrote that, preceding it with **, which shows that stenographer was not sure about the correctness of the typed word.
So, Kirtanananda and Radhanath came with the car to Dharmatma to pick-up the money for murderers Tirtha and Tapahpunja, to help them escape out of country. Kirtanananda asked Dharmatma to give 6,000 dollars. Dharmatma went inside the house to get it, and gave it to Kirtanananda, who waited in the car.
Then Dharmatma describes how he asked about the purpose of money, if it was for the murderers to get out of country. And in answer, Kirtanananda and Radhanath smiled, and nodded their head in confirmation, that yes, this was for the murderers to be able to escape out of the country. And then Kirtanananda and Radhanath drove off.
This testimony by Dharmatma clearly implicates Radhanath in the murder of Sulocana. Radhanatha was involved in arranging for the murder, being one of those who were "pushing like crazy for murder to happen", possibly the leader. His leadership position in the conspiracy against Sulocana is confirmed also by his picking-up the escape money, together with Kirtanananda.
One thing was the preparation of Sulocana's murder, and a second thing was making arrangements for the murderers to escape the country. Only Radhanath was present on both occasions, which shows that he was involved more than others.
The GBC was confronted with this matter last year, and their response was published on Dandavats. Basically, what they did was to say that the US Attorney said that Radhanath was not involved, and that's it. Therefore the GBC concluded that they need not take allegations against Radhanath seriously. But to cover their backs, they nevertheless stated:
"GBC recommends that any person in possession of newly discovered evidence regarding the New Vrindavana events present such information to the U.S. Attorney's Office or other appropriate legal agency. If any subsequent investigation might ensue, the GBC will fully cooperate with it."
So, what the GBC is saying is: According to present evidence, Radhanath is not guilty. But if he later proves to be guilty, and the case is reopened, the GBC will cooperate.
The GBC was not able to fully guarantee for Radhanath, so they felt the need to protect themselves in case Radhanath goes down anyway, by stating that they will cooperate with any appropriate legal agency. The GBC leaves it up to the legal system to decide whether Radhanath is guilty or not.
The GBC's approach is interesting, since many ISKCON gurus were suspended without any involvement of the legal system - Vaisnavas have their own rules for who is bonafide guru. Vaisnava expectations for guru are higher than the state's expectations for a good citizen. Clearly, the GBC considers Radhanath as a bonafide Guru, no matter his involvement in murder. Is involvement in murder of a devotee, 20 years later, not disqualification enough for one being an ISKCON guru?
In my opinion, Dharmatma's testimony proves without doubt that Radhanatha was involved as the leading organizer of murder. Of course, the case probably cannot be reopened now legally. But the evidence is clear. Radhanath was involved, and no matter what the GBC now does, it is clear that Radhanath was involved in the murder of Sulocana.
Of course, while defending Radhanath, the GBC didn't stop with their own statement. They also arranged for Radhanath's statement on the matter. And besides glorifying himself as very humble, and tactfully criticizing and disqualifying Janmastami in the eyes of entire ISKCON, Radhanath also states that, "every single allegation against me is totally false. I was not involved in any criminal activity."
Radhanath last year openly stated, in front of entire world, that every allegation against him is false, and that he was never involved in any criminal activity.
With the testimony from Dharmatma, this statement of Radhanatha's doesn't stand strong. It is clear that Radhanath was lying regarding his involvement in the murder. He lied to the GBC, in front of the entire ISKCON society. Now, what does this make him? Clearly, a liar. Why was he lying?
The GBC can be of the opinion that involvement in murder of a devotee, 20 years later, does not disqualify one from being an ISKCON guru. How about 20 years of lying about it, even to the GBC? Would this shameless lying disqualify one from being an ISKCON guru?
Devotees are merciful and compassionate. If Radhanath was involved in murder, as the facts prove, and if he admitted it years ago, most devotees would not blame him for his neophyte fanaticism, but would forgive him. Of course, he could not be a big guru and acarya, but he could be a nice devotee, an inspiration for many. But clearly, he was hiding this. He was lying all the time, to everybody, even the GBC. And the GBC made us believe that all is fine. Radhanath tricked the GBC and all of us.
The facts are against him now. Everybody knows that he was involved in the murder of Sulocana, and his lies will not help in hiding it anymore. Will he admit now, and beg for the mercy of the devotees, and thus reveal his material ambitions for position and adoration as an ISKCON guru? Or will he keep hiding it, continuing with his show of humility, to his own disgrace and the disgrace of all his faithful followers? And for the GBC, will they keep such a cheating, lying guru as their very best, or will they slowly and quietly push him aside, allowing him to move into the background and retire?
In any case, it is finally clear now. Radhanath was very much involved in the murder of Sulocana, and he lied about it repeatedly and shamelessly. Such a cunning person cannot represent Srila Prabhupada as guru in the Vaisnava sampradaya. If he has even a particle of decency left, he will immediately step down from his position as guru, and commit his future life.

Sunday, December 12, 2010

FAQs about The Little Krishna animated series

FAQs about The Little Krishna animated series

1) Are you aware that Srila Prabhupada did not want Krishna to be represented as a cartoon character?

Ans: Yes we are aware of the letter Srila Prabhupada wrote in 1971.
Srila Prabhupada wrote to Madhusudana, “The point is that these drawings should be realistic. Not that you make Krishna a cartoon character and therefore laughing stock. And hippy ideas shouldn’t be used either. Whatever technique is there, make it realistic. That will be nice.” Srila Prabhupada letter (Aug 18, 1971)
When we initiated the Little Krishna animation project, we spent several weeks and months pondering about this quote and the following thoughts crossed our minds.
1. Animation in the 1970’s when Srila Prabhupada wrote this letter was mostly cartoony with lighthearted, silly, frivolous and merely entertaining characters like Mickey Mouse, Tom and Jerry. Comical and cartoony representations are caricatures of the characters. The style of drawings are not in keeping with realistic physical proportions. But in the last 20 years there has been a sea change in the animation style. With advanced computer graphics and 3D modeling, a great deal of realistic characters and backgrounds and high quality animation has become possible to convey more serious messages, and still be appealing to children’s minds.
2. Prabhupada’s warnings here are:
(a) Krishna should not be made “a cartoon character and therefore laughing stock.”
(b) No hippie ideas should be used.
(c) Krishna should be depicted in a realistic manner
3. In modern times, animation has been a convergence of art and technology and this too can be used to depict and celebrate Krishna and His pastimes in a powerful presentation.
4. Animation is a visual language primarily suited for smaller children of our present times. They are very familiar with this format and quickly relate when anything is presented in animation format. So children at an impressionable age can be taught through this medium, how Krishna is supremely powerful and a great friend who will always come to help us if we call out for Him when we are in danger.
5. In a child’s world animated characters are real and not mere representations. They are very real, lovable and adorable persons that children love to relate with, distinctly different from the cold, harsh world of reality. This is the happy world they love to go to. From this point of view, animation of Krishna and His world fits the bill perfectly for children.
6. One senior devotee in our movement when asked about the Little Krishna project said, “One additional conviction I have is that these are more like 3D video illustrations (and not like cartoons of the type SP wrote about). I compare them to the paintings and dioramas that SP personally directed and approved, except now we have another format for the same as well as animation. So I am not thinking of these as cartoons at all…these are video animated illustrations.”
7. We knew of an Indian family in New Jersey who tried telling their young American-born son, pastimes of Lord Rama from the Ramayana. They had a hard time getting him interested in listening to the Ramayana stories. Around that time, the animated film of the Ramayana by the Japanese film-maker Yugo Sako appeared in the market. After watching this, the child could not take his eyes off the screen and wanted to watch the film again and again. This confirmed our assessment of how powerful an influence an animated film can be on the minds of young children.
8. ISKCON devotees the world over have published several children’s books with illustrations. These illustrations have been made appealing to children’s minds and we have seen that these books have indisputably benefitted the development of Krishna consciousness of children.
9. There are several instances which demonstrate that Srila Prabhupada too realized the immense power of the film media, to propagate Krishna consciousness. The following quotes particularly reveal this:
“Regarding the motion picture, it is a great opportunity, and if they actually want to do something wonderful I can come there personally and see to its direction. If it is an important film I think my personal direction is necessary. If not, then I think you can send me a synopsis of the script so that there may be nothing objectionable from the start. If this film is properly done it will be very profitable, even from the commercial point of view; and if they are interested, we can give them hundreds of stories from Bhagavat which will make wonderful films, and simultaneously the people will be educated to the proper religious and moral standard. So please try very seriously for this and I think Krishna will give you all intelligence and facility.” Srila Prabhupada’s letter to Shyamsundar (Sept 22, 1970)
Vishkha: We plan to make a motion picture of the Bhagavad-gita dance that they do. My husband and I…
Prabhupada: Do it. Apply your American brain how to serve Krishna. That is success.
idam hi pumsas tapasah srutasya va
svistasya suktasya ca buddhi-dattayoh
avicyuto ‘rthah kavibhir nirupito
(SB 1.5.22)
Whatever talent one has got… These talents are also acquired after austerity. It is not ordinary thing. So everything should be employed to describe Uttamasloka, Krishna. Krishna is Uttamasloka. So we have got so many Krishna’s pastimes, Caitanya Mahaprabhu’s pastime. We can overflood. Just like you can overflood with this literature, we can overflood… This is art. Art, music, everything we can utilize. In any way one is addicted—let him eat only, let him sing only, let him paint only, let him dance only—we have got everything. That is Krishna consciousness. Let him do business also. Yes. Engineering-construct temple. It is so all-perfect movement, Krishna… That is Krishna, all-attractive. Everyone can be attracted and give up everything. He will be attracted by Krishna in such a way that he’ll give up all nonsense. That is Krishna consciousness. No more other enga… anyabhilasita-sunyam [Brs. 1.1.11]. All other attraction finished. Simply Krishna. (morning walk conversation, Feb 10, 1975, Los Angeles)
7. We discussed this project with a few of Srila Prabhupada’s disciples in Los Angeles like Bharadvaja Das, Parikshit Das and a few others (we forget all their names now) and all of them encouraged us in this project.
All of these considerations led us to conclude that presenting the pastimes of Krishna in animation is an important project and we earnestly hoped that Srila Prabhupada would be pleased.
After Little Krishna was aired on Nick Channel in India, we have had several instances of parents telling us how their children have become “addicted” to watching Little Krishna. We have heard this from the most remote parts of the country. Recently, Madhu Pandit Dasa visited Dharmasthala, a holy place in Karnataka. The Chief Administrator of the temple is a highly respected person in Karnataka and he said, “My grand children are so attached to Little Krishna, can you please send me a DVD set?”
Some of our congregation devotees have told us how their children have seen the film about 100 times!

2) What about the use of the word “fable”?

Ans: We admit, it was a faux pas. When the 13 episodes of Little Krishna were reformatted into 3 DVDs, the production studio which was shifted from the ISKCON-Bangalore temple premises to Pune was under tremendous pressure to meet certain deadlines and the text that appears in the beginning of the DVD was finalized by our co-producers and did not come for our review. In future editions, the text will be corrected.
We must assert here that we, the devotees of ISKCON- Bangalore, who were involved in the making of Little Krishna do not subscribe to the idea that Lord Sri Krishna’s pastimes are fables. We are abundantly convinced that they are real, factual and historical occurrences as our beloved spiritual master, Srila Prabhupada, has taught us. Not only is Krishna a real and historical person with real and historical pastimes but also His pastimes are eternally going on in some universe or the other.
We have been practicing Krishna consciousness in ISKCON for nearly three decades as full-time missionaries and how could we ever think that Krishna’s pastimes are fables or fictitious narratives? In our discourses of Krishna consciousness with internal devotees and in public forums, we strongly present our convictions, as taught by Srila Prabhupada, that Lord Sri Krishna is a real, historical person who performed wonderful pastimes during His descent five thousand years ago.
We sincerely apologize to the worldwide community of followers of Srila Prabhupada for the blunder in using the word fable to describe Krishna’s pastimes. However, we assure them that the ISKCON devotees who are involved in the making of Little Krishna do not subscribe to the idea that Krishna’s pastimes are fables. We too shudder at the thought that our beloved Lord’s pastimes can ever be described as fables.

3) What about the word “legendary heroes”?

Ans: We were careful about selecting the titles for the DVDs and used the word “legendary” to mean “well known, famous and renowned.” The Oxford and Webster’s dictionaries define this word in this way as well.
In all languages, this multiple shades of meanings are possible. For instance in Sanskrit, the word katha can mean conversation, speech, story, fable, feigned story, tale, discussion as mentioned in Sir Monier William’s Sanskrit – English Dictionary or can mean a tale, story, historical knowledge, feigned story, an account, talk, conversation, speech, a variety of prose composition as mentioned in Prof VS Apte’s Practical Sanskrit – English Dictionary. But when we say Hari-katha or Krishna-katha, we take it as conversation or discussion or historical account and not as a fable or tale.

4) Why have you used several other stories in Little Krishna that Srila Prabhupada has not mentioned in the Krishna book? What are their sources?

Ans: The main pastimes in each of the episodes are taken from the Krishna book, like subduing Kaliya and the lifting of Govardhana Hill. However in a visual medium, there is a need for short anecdotes (apart from the main story, called Story B by script writers) that help to establish the mood of the story and define the relationship between the various characters. We have been careful to select these anecdotes from authentic sources.
1) The story of the cow Bahula is taken from the Padma Purana and is also mentioned in the Mathura Mahatmya by Srila Rupa Goswami.
2) The story of Krishna growing pearls is taken from the Mukta Charita by Srila Raghunatha Dasa Goswami.
3) The story of Krishna building a bridge is referred to in the Bhagavatam (10.11.59) and more elaborately described by Srila Narayana Bhatta Goswami in Vraja Bhakti Vilasa. Srila Narayana Bhatta Goswami was a contemporary of Srila Vishwanatha Chakravarthi Thakura and lived in Radha Kunda. He is credited to have revealed the glories of various locations connected to Krishna’s pastimes in Vraja Mandala, including Barsana.
It is interesting to note the verse of Srimad Bhagavatam (10.11.59):
evam viharaih kaumaraih
kaumaram jahatur vraje
nilayanaih setu-bandhair
“In this way Krishna and Balaräma passed Their childhood age in Vrajabhumi by engaging in activities of childish play, such as playing hide-and-seek, constructing a make-believe bridge on the ocean, and jumping here and there like monkeys.”
This verse is the last verse in the chapter that describes the pastime of Krishna killing the demon Bakasura. The verse talks about setu-bandhiah (constructing a make-believe bridge) and markata-utplavana (jumping about like monkeys). This has been elaborated by Srila Naryana Bhatta Goswami about Krishna building the bridge like Sri Rama built to cross over to Lanka with the help of monkeys.
And based on this, we have used the story of building the bridge as Story B along with the pastime of Krishna killing Bakasura as Story A.
4) Baby Krishna looking at His own reflection in the butter store is an anecdote taken from Ananda Vrindavana Champu by Kavi Karnapura.
5) Krishna and Madhmangala disguising themselves as brahmana boys to conduct the Surya puja for the gopis is taken from Sri Govinda Lilamrta by Srila Krsnadasa Kaviraja Goswami.
6) Srila Vishwanatha Chakravarthi Thakura describes in Sarartha Darshini that the forest fire in Munjatavi was actually caused by a fire demon who was a friend of Pralambhasura. Accordingly we have repersented the fire demon.
7) When Krishna was swallowed by Bakasura, the various demigods like Brahma, Shiva and others attack Bakasura, and this is described in the Garga Samhita.
8) The pastime of Krishna disguising Himself as the son of Prabhavati is also described in the Garga Samhita.
9) Krishna asking the gopis to pay tax is taken from Danakeli Kaumidi by Srila Rupa Goswami.
10) The peacocks dancing around Krishna and then gifting Him with a peacock feather is described by Srila Vishwanatha Chakravarti Thakura in the Sarartha Darshini.
11) The anecdote of Indra visiting the orchard of Kamsa at Talavana is taken from the Padma Purana, as described in Krishna-avatara Vol 1, by a renowned Sri Vaishnava scholar, Sri Narayanachar.
12) Krishna asking Radha as to who gave her permission to pluck the flowers in Kusumavana and playing a trick on her when she gets lifted off the ground by a branch of a tree – this pastime in Kusumasarovara is described by Srila Narayana Bhatta Goswami in Vraja Bhakti Vilasa.
13) Aristasura attacking the village residents and breaking the embankment of a reservoir is described in Srimad Bhagavatam (10.36.2). Krishna clapped his hands that greatly angered Aristasura is also described in Srimad Bhagavatam(10.36.8).
14) The pastime of the appearance of Radha Kunda and Shyama Kunda is described by Srila Vishvanatha Chakravarthi Thakura in Sarartha Darshini. He also mentions that this pastime is described in other puranas.
15) “Krishna grabbed Dhenukasura with both hand, whirled him around and threw him onto Govardhan Hill.” This is described in Garga Samhita. Similarly such action items and fight sequences have all been taken from different sources.
In this way we have taken the anecdotes for Story B from various Vaishnava literatures. This is only a partial list.
We have also been careful not to depict any confidential pastimes like the rasa dance and the stealing of the gopis’ garments.

5) Why did you have to use books other than what Srila Prabhupada has given?

Ans: Animation film, or any film for that matter, is a visual medium. The basic principle in this medium is that you don’t state, but show visually. For instance, you don’t merely state in the film that Krishna was adored by the residents of Vrindavan, but must provide visual evidence of how He was an adorable boy to the residents of Vrindavan. Hence we needed a lot of information that helps to reveal the qualities of Krishna and other characters, the inter-relation between Krishna and the other characters, the world of Krishna and His associates, and so on.
And we were using only the additional pastimes or such information from other acharyas’ books, and not any philosophical or theological aspects to fear that it may differ from what Srila Prabhupada has taught. We were conscious of the sensitivities and exercised caution while referring to other texts.

6) Have you ever exercised certain narrative freedom in the films?

Ans: Yes there have been certain sections where we have exercised certain creative and narrative freedom. But they are few.
a) We wanted to impress on the children that Krishna is a powerful person although He appears as a simple cowherd boy in Vrindavan. Also we have the information that when Krishna killed these demons in Vrindavan, it was not the Vrindavan Krishna who killed them but the Vishnu expansions in Krishna who killed the demons. To visually convey this, we have made a “warrior Krishna” whom the demons get to see just before the combat.
b) The Krishna book says that Krishna glanced over the boys who were lying unconscious due to the poisonous effects of Kaliya, and revived their consciousness. To make this more visually interesting, we made Krishna touch the boys when a glow appears and the boy is revived. The glance is more subtle which the children cannot appreciate, while the touch of Krishna which causes a glow is more visible and palpable.

7) What about your intentions to make money from these films?

Ans: Our primary and dominant intention has been to depict the glorious pastimes of Krishna in a powerful presentation, using modern technology of 3D animation, music and interesting scripts to engage the attention of children of our times. In his letter to Shyamsundar quoted above, we see how Srila Prabhupada was practical and pragmatic, and did not mind if such a venture was profitable commercially (“If this film is properly done it will be very profitable, even from the commercial point of view…”).
The above explanations that we have given may not satisfy all the Vaishnavas all over the world, in all respects. We are aware that there are alternate viewpoints on this. But we hope that they will see the spirit in which this project was taken up.
We hope and pray that Srila Prabhupada will bless our humble endeavor to glorify Krishna through this project and forgive us for any mistakes that we might have committed in our enthusiasm to use this wonderful animation technology which is otherwise engaging millions of children in topics of maya. On the whole, the fact that children have become fascinated by the “Person” Little Krishna and His little friends, brings a hope that they will carry Him in their hearts all their lives.

“The Great Guru Hoax, Part 3: ISKCON’s multiple personality disorder”

Back to Prabhupada, Issue 21


In the last 3 issues of BTP we have presented two themes:
a) That ISKCON leaders have now basically begun agreeing with the IRM virtually in toto to try and bait followers with the plea that they are following Srila Prabhupada and accepting him as the Guru, while they are just like ritviks (officiating priests) – please see BTP Special Issue #2.
b) That this tactic of agreeing with the IRM is part of The Great Guru Hoax, Part 3, where a guru re-defines himself like a ritvik to distract from the fact that he is actually taking all the benefits and worship of a regular diksa (initiating) guru (or a ritvik re-defines himself like a diksa guru to get all the benefits of a diksa guru) – please see BTP issues 19 and 20.
These two themes are dramatically illustrated here in a lecture entitled “The Importance of Accepting a Guru in one’s Spiritual Life”, given by ISKCON GBC votedin guru HH Hanumatpresaka Swami (“HPS”), excerpts from which will be given in the tinted panels below.

Srila Prabhupada is the diksa Guru – stupid!
“Of diksa, right, um, if I am serving Srila Prabhupada’s mission, chanting 16 rounds and following everything, why do I need to accept initiation from a spiritual master? Because Srila Prabhupada says that this is necessary to serve his mission […] we know, who diksa guru is ….. we need a diksa guru, we pretty much already know who he is, because he is the person who’s telling us that we need a diksa guru, that’s how stupid we are.”
HPS here tells us that Srila Prabhupada is our diksa Guru because he is the one who tells us we need a diksa Guru, and if we do not understand this, we must be “stupid”.
Srila Prabhupada is the diksa Guru – it’s natural!
“Sometimes for different reasons, that person who is instructing us, this is very natural that we can see that has got the qualifications to …… So has Prabhupada, reading Prabhupada’s books, understanding from him, just take initiation from Prabhupada.”
HPS here says that it is very natural that we should “just take initiation from Prabhupada”, meaning Prabhupada should be the diksa Guru.
Srila Prabhupada is the diksa Guru – Krishna’s representative
“This is the parampara, so who is the diksa guru? Do I mean by diksa guru the person who is giving me the beads, the person who is giving the name, or do you mean the person who establishes the contract with Krishna and, you know, the person who is the representative? Then Prabhupada is the diksa guru.”
Here HPS states that, using the correct definition of a diksa Guru as the person who represents Krishna and establishes the contract between us and Krishna, then Srila Prabhupada is the diksa Guru.
Srila Prabhupada is the diksa Guru – fail-safe option
Guest: “In that case, who will be, I mean, are we considered having diksa guru if your initiating guru falls and doesn’t chant 16 rounds?”
HPS: “Again, if you take Prabhupada as the diksa guru, yes.”
HPS here says that it is permissible for those whose ISKCON gurus have fallen to then take Srila Prabhupada as their diksa Guru.
I am not the diksa Guru – 1
“The contract, like that, it is not that he takes shelter of his previous acharya, but am I a diksa guru or not? No, I am not.”
Having already stated multiple times that Srila Prabhupada is the diksa Guru in ISKCON, HPS now makes it clear that he himself is not the diksa Guru.
I am not the diksa Guru – 2
“So we should only accept a self-realized person as a spiritual master. […] I am a madhyama- adikhari still full of material desires.”
HPS reconfirms that he cannot possibly be the diksa Guru since he is not self-realised, but rather a madhyama-adhikari* still full of material desires.
*a devotee whose advancement in spiritual life is midway between the neophyte (kanishtha) and advanced (uttama) stages.
I am Ritvik
“So I don’t talk with Krishna that much. […] You know on a higher level, like that, so apparently some people in ISKCON, may be on the position where they are having like this intense relationship with Krishna and being guided very intensely by Krishna. No one would say an uttamaadikhari, but even they, publicly and stuff, they won’t, you know, present that as your qualification, like that. So, you know, other than people that, yeah, some people in ISKCON in that sense are ritviks. I am a ritvik! How to define the term? Like that.”
HPS now goes further and says that actually he is only a ritvik, since he is not someone who has an intense relationship with Krishna.
I am a diksa Guru in a sense
“And in terms of some somebody like myself being diksa guru because I can’t handle, hang on to people like Prabhupada, he was strong enough to deal with all kinds of madness, myself at some point I just have to tell people I can’t be your diksa guru in a sense, you have to be more strict.”
HPS here claims that he can be a diksa Guru for some people in some sense, depending on how much he can “handle” and “hang on” to them.
Srila Prabhupada is diksa Guru only “symbolically”
“There is no limit, it is just the idea for taking initiation from somebody in ISKCON, taking names and stuff, we have to be convinced that I am taking initiation from Prabhupada. If there is some doubt about that then that is not. This is an initiation from Prabhupada. And Prabhupada is so clear on that, from me it is an initiation from Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati, I am nothing.”
So now HPS claims that initiations in ISKCON today are actually coming from Srila Prabhupada. But whenever Srila Prabhupada gave initiations he considered them as coming from his spiritual master. Therefore the ISKCON diksa gurus are diksa gurus in the same sense as Srila Prabhupada was for his disciples, which means a full diksa guru. They simply consider that their initiations are coming from their spiritual masters.
I am the diksa Guru
“So on Sunday we are going to have second initiation, gayatri diksa, with Chaitanya Vijaya Das.”
In the middle of the lecture HPS announces that he is actually a diksa Guru since he will be giving a second initiation to a disciple!
I won’t answer
Guest: “Maharaj, re initiations in ISKCON we see that Prabhupada disciples, they are becoming initiating guru, and there are some that argue on the basis of the letter of ritvik representative. So what is the conclusion and real understanding of that?”
HPS: “Ritvik, it is interesting in terms of diksa guru in ISKCON. Kadamba Kanana who was originally initiated by Bhavananda prabhu and then took initiation from, you know, Jayadvaita Maharaja, under the approval of his guru he is now taking disciples.
So there are grand disciples of Prabhupada in ISKCON who are initiating. Krishna Das Maharaja, he was initiated by some very nice Vaishnava in India and came to London as an engineer. Met Prabhupada’s movement, met Prabhupada, wrote to his guru to see if he could participate in Prabhupada’s movement, and his guru wrote back, “Why are you asking this kind of question?” Of course, all bona fide acharyas respect A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada. It would be a great honour for me if he accepts you to help his movement. So after Prabhupada left his body he took sannyasa from Sivarama Swami and he is also is initiating in ISKCON. He did not have first or second initiation from Prabhupada, only sannyasa initiation in ISKCON. He is an initiating guru in ISKCON.”
HPS is here asked about the “conclusion and real understanding” regarding those who argue about the need for everyone to only be “ritvik representative” based on Srila Prabhupada’s July 9th, 1977 letter. HPS answers this by saying ritvik “is interesting”, and that’s all! Instead, he goes off on a tangent about the fact that in ISKCON even the disciples of Prabhupada’s disciples are also initiating.
No one actually knows who is the diksa Guru
“Yes, so we realise, you know, I have a diksa guru. Even in ISKCON the GBC give up on this, gave up, on that couldn’t figure it out, yeah, you can give up, the person got the name from and beads, he has some problem not initiating any more, you know, and he has to tell you this whether you can take shelter of someone else or not. Some people do and some don’t, and some people come and say I really want this, I really need this clear connection with authority for my mind and stuff like that. Okay, so sometimes I do it and sometimes I avoid it because of the situation. If it feels proper, sometimes I do it. So it is individual.”
HPS states that actually the GBC could not even figure out who is the diksa guru if an ISKCON guru falls, and just gave up trying to do so, and basically now allow a free-for-all.
The reality
Regardless of the schizophrenic self-contradictory nonsense he has spoken here, in practise HPS knows exactly what he is doing, attempting to act as a fullfledged diksa Guru for his disciples, with worship, Vyasa-puja offerings and all the other benefits which go along with acting as a “good-as-god” ISKCON diksa guru. In practise, he does not act as a ritvik at all, nor allow people to become initiated as Srila Prabhupada’s disciple, with himself acting as the ritvik priest for such an initiation. Rather, he simply gives every possible answer that someone could wish to hear, to be “all things to all men”, and keep the guru show on the road. Anything can be said, as long as in practise the same guru hoax can continue to be perpetuated.
In the SAME lecture, which was supposed to specifically address the issue of surrendering to a diksa guru, HPS has run the full gamut of all possible answers claiming:
Srila Prabhupada: The one initiating Guru for ISKCON
HH Hanumatpresaka Swami: Identity crisis
a) Srila Prabhupada is the diksa Guru
b) HPS is not a diksa Guru
c) HPS is a ritvik
d) HPS is a diksa Guru
That someone who is supposedly acting as a diksa guru in ISKCON himself, as the transparent via medium to Krishna, could speak such contradictory gibberish in the same talk merely illustrates the entangling nature of the guru hoax. The Great Guru Hoax has, therefore, as it moves into its third phase, evolved in such a way that ISKCON has had to develop multiple personality disorder to even be able to explain and justify it. What makes the situation even more farcical is that the guru hoaxers also have the temerity to tell us that Srila Prabhupada’s desires for initiations after he departed are also very “clear” to them! The only thing which is clear is that they are literally making this up as they go along, as evidenced by the same guru giving every possible answer in the same talk.
The true and clear unchanging path is that given by Srila Prabhupada himself, as documented in his books, conversations, directives for ISKCON and his Last Will and Testament – that the system of initiation he established for ISKCON (the representative ritvik system of initiations, with himself as ISKCON’s sole diksa, or initiating, Guru), would be identical in ISKCON for all time to how it operated when he was on the planet.

Srila Prabhupada: The one initiating Guru for ISKCON

HH Hanumatpresaka Swami: Identity crisis

New Temple Project- ISKCON Hubli Dharwad

ISKCON will be launching its master plan Project “Sri Sri Radha Krishna Mandir & Bhaktivedanta Heritage and Cultural Complex” in line with ISKCON Temple in Bangalore at Rayapur, Hubli-Dharwad. It will be Glory of India and Pride of Karnataka. The Projects Architectural master piece will be designed by a team of Architects led by Sri Madhupandit Dasa, President, ISKCON Bangalore, who has designed the famous ISKCON Bangalore temple. The phase one of the project “The Akshaya Patra Kitchen” is already ready & is built at the cost of 14 Crore and has a capacity to cook food for 2,50,000 children at a time. At present 1, 80,000 underprivileged children are covered in the scheme. Apart from Akshaya Patra, & a temple of Sri Radha Krishna, the proposed project in Hubli- Dwd will include the following.


The Grand Cultural complex will showcase India’s glorious tradition of Art, Architecture and Valuable Heritage. The Complex will bear a unique blend of Traditional Hoyasala and Modern Architecture, a beautiful synthesis of traditional South Indian temple architecture and modern facilities.
It will have intricately carved pillars, ornately sculpted figures exhibiting various themes from purana’s, ornamental arches, traditional Gold Kalasha’s crowning the temple. The temple will have one svagata-gopuram (welcome tower, representing the Lord’s feet), one raja-gopuram (grand tower, representing the Lord’s navel), one vimana-gopuram (tower above the deities’ chamber, representing the Lord’s head). The Complex will have a prayer and meditation hall, traditional Kalyani for boat festivals

An Environmental Delight

The complex will be garlanded by lush green, serene garden and landscape. The Musical fountain will have brilliant fusion of light, sound and water amidst beautiful landscape, with colourful gardens and verdant lawns.

Multimedia Theatre :

Inculcating Values through technology. The Complex will house a state of art multimedia theatre which will showcase the values of Vedic culture through films, light and sound shows, Video & Audio animatronics. It will have a capacity of 300 people at a time.

Heritage Auditorium & Open air Theatre:

Nurturing talents through Heritage & Cultural Festivals
Enchanting India is a treasury of art, architecture; philosophy, classical dances and music. India is colorful and vibrant, a land as diverse as its people. It has mosaic of faiths, cultures, customs and languages that blend harmoniously to form a composite whole. It is one of the world’s oldest living civilizations. To give a glimpse & to teach these important values embedded in our Vedic heritage, the Complex will house a Heritage Auditorium & Open Air Theatre with a capacity of more than 500 people each.

Cultural & Spiritual Theme Park :

Showcasing the Glorious heritage through Entertainment. There will be spectacular Walk through experience, Educational boat rides, in themed settings of animated dolls, light, sound and special atmospheric effects.

Annadana Mantap :

Apart from the Akshaya Patra program, all the pilgrims to the temple will also be able to have Sri Krishna Prasadam at the temple in Annadana Mantap. This will have a capacity of thousand people at a time.
Hari Nam Mantap :
Japa Yajna for World Peace & Harmony. The Complex will have a unique program to make thousands of people chant at least one round of the Hare Krishna maha mantra everyday at the temple for World Peace & Harmony. The Harinama mantap will be designed in South-Indian style, and will have two sets of 108 steps. A recorded voice of Srila Prabhupada chanting the mahamantra with full clarity, will resounds in the mantap, playing off a CD. One full round will take exactly 10 minutes – meaning that 1296 people can pass through the mantap in an hour, each chanting the mahamantra 108 times.

Iskcon fest for students begins

HUBLI: Rasa Fest – a five-day inter-collegiate festival for students of Hubli-Dharwad, organized by Iskcon, began here on Monday. The fest aims to give exposure to budding artistes, which will help nurture their creativity besides familiarizing them with the beauty of Indian culture.
The fest was inaugurated by philosopher and astrologer Sri Sri Shyamrao Ramrao Jumnalkar in the presence of Raghavendra S Katti, chairman, MAA Group of colleges and ISKCON Hubli-Dharwad president Rajiv Lochan Dasa.
Shyamrao said that in the world of tough competition it is very important for students to have peace of mind and concentration and programmes like Rasa fest will help in this regard.
Raghavendra Katti said, “In earlier yugas, the lord appeared to kill physical demons like Ravana but in Kali yuga the lord has appeared as ISKCON to kill the demon in everyone’s mind.”
Rajiv Lochan pointed out that there were many educational institutions for making a living but not for making a life. ISKCON is trying to fulfill that gap, which is very important in today’s society. Vedic quiz, vocal music and elocution were held.
Read more: The Times of India


The Indian Express- Iskcon to offer degree course in Vedic studies

BANGALORE, April 20, 1998:The International Society for Krishna Consciousness (Iskcon) is to start a three-year bachelor of Vedic studies degree course in September. There would be an entrance test to access the spiritual inclination of prospective students and the course would be more like the Gurukul system of studies, according to Madhu Pandit Dasa, the temple president.

The Indian Express- ISKCON bhakts wage war against gurus, on the Net

NEW DELHI, July 6, 1998: A cyber war has broken out on the Net over the rot in the leadership of the International Society of Krishna Consciousness (ISKCON). The Society, which was set up in 1966 and boasts of 500 centres across the globe, is not new to controversies. But this time the spiritual ante has been upped in India, and insiders say the ISKCON bubble is ready to burst.
Heading a mini-revolt against the ISKCON leadership is Vineet Narain, Editor of Kalchakra, who says he joined the “faith” in 1992 but was now set to expose the wheeling-dealings of the so-called gurus. Narain says he would be joining hands with the Prabhupad Anti-Defamation Action (PADA) group, whose activists have been flooding the Net with missives against ISKCON leaders.
Narain explains that while unrest in ISKCON has been simmering for years, things were now coming to a head. Devotees had been challenging their gurus all over India — a few days ago devotees in Bangalore “defeated” their American guru — and a historiccongregation to thrash out the issue of degeneration of leadership was being convened tomorrow (July 7).
“The ISKCON gurus are required to follow a life of simplicity and austerity which the founder Swami Prabhupada did,” Narain explains. “Instead they are lording over a multi-million dollar empire, symbolised by chartered planes, Rolex watches and silk robes. I am determined to expose the frauds the ISKCON gurus are committing.”
ISKCON followers in other cities agree that a chain reaction had been set off against the show of ostentation and opulence at their centres and temples. Satish Kapur, a businessman from Amritsar, says that while he continued to follow the basic philosophy and tenets of ISKCON, he felt the new-generation gurus had ruined everything. “They consider themselves to be gods and expect us to renounce everything for them. Why should we donate properties and leave our families for men who have opened shops in the name of religion?” he demands.
Agitated ISKCON followers citeexamples of the series of scandals to which some of the 70-odd gurus of the Society have been linked. Cases of molestation, sodomy and smuggling involving the gurus have been reported in Europe and USA.
Two recent developments have hastened the pace of dissension and the ripples have reached India via the Net. The first lot of documents downloaded by irate followers were the contents of a “discussion paper” on Srila Prabhupada’s instructions for “initiation within ISKCON” which the Governing Body Commission (GBM) had asked for in 1996.

The Indian Express- ISKCON plot gets a poisonous twist

CALCUTTA, AUG 10, 1999: The founder of a worldwide religious cult lies in his deathbed, `whispering’ that he has been `poisoned.’ The `whispers’ lay buried in his last conversations that were taped. More than 20 years after the guru’s death, the tapes are dug out of archives and digitally processed for clarity at laboratories in the USA. The finding, according to a book just published in the USA, is that Srila Prabhupada, also known as Bhaktivedanta Swami, founder of ISKCON (International Society for Krishna Consciousness) `was poisoned, but by whom is not yet known’.
The book, by Nityananda Das, a longtime American devotee of ISKCON, has rattled the schism-ridden fraternity as never before. For, although it doesn’t pin the `poison’ charge on anyone conclusively, it does offer a list of suspects who include some of the guru’s `closest’ disciples. And all the suspects hold very senior positions in the order’s hierarchy.
And the book, titled Someone has poisoned me, has come at a time when two ISKCON factions arelocked in a case in the Calcutta High Court where the final hearing is due this Thursday. The official group served an expulsion order on six disciples, including the presidents of ISKCON temples in Calcutta, Bangalore and Singapore, but the court had stayed the expulsions.
The London-based ISKCON Reform Group is also a party to the case and it has accused the official group of usurping the order in violation of the founder’s directives. In its interim order, the court has directed that all initiations into the order would be subject to the final verdict in the case. It was the court case that had engaged the rival factions for several months now. But the book, which an ISKCON devotee described as a `bomb ticking for long’, has caused a `veritable explosion’ in the sect. The rebel group is naturally jubilant, though none would talk openly about it. To it, the book is a damning proof that those who took over from the founder had taken to foul means. The ISKCON gurus of today are all usurpers, the rebelsargue, because Prabhupada never approved of the guru system. To them, he was the only guru and his disciples could at best graduate to ritwiks (priests).
`It’s these ritwik theorists and the ISKCON Reform Group that are also behind the poison theory,’ said Hari Sauri Das, co-director at the sect’s spiritual headquarters over the telephone from Mayapur in West Bengal’s Nadia district.
He dismissed the book as one full of `conjectures and flimsy evidence’. `We dont give it any credibility,’ Hari Sauri Das, a British-born, snapped. But he went on to recall that the author Nityananda Das had been ex-communicated from the order way back in 1990 and had been subsequently arrested for drug-related offences in southern USA where his firm was also confiscated.

The times of India- Kolkata cops search city’s Iskcon temple

BANGALORE, Sep 25, 2003: Kolkata police arrived in the city on Thursday and searched Iskcon temple premises here looking for four persons from Kolkata Iskcon temple against whom there are non-bailable arrest warrants.
However, the search proved futile as none of the wanted persons were present in the Iskcon premises here. The team returned empty handed, Bangalore police who assisted Kolkata police team said.
Four persons identified as Abhidaran Das, Brindavan Das, Manoranjan Das and Uttam Das are accused of indulging in financial misappropriation and falsification of documents in Kolkata’s Iskcon temple. For this, a lower court in Kolkata had issued non-bailable arrest warrants.
On a tip-off that, the accused have been sheltered here, Kolkata police team arrived here.
Kolkata police team’s visit to local Iskcon temple resulted in a drama on Thursday morning.
Initially, temple authorities did not allow Kolkata police to search the temple premises and insisted for search warrant.
Later, they allowed the police team to go around the temple. Meanwhile, somebody informed the media about Kolkata police team’s search. Media members mainly photographers and TV camera crew rushed to the Iskcon temple.

Obama’s accolade for Akshaya Patra

The US President elect found it a sterling example of ‘what is possible when people work together’
The Akshaya Patra mid-day meal programme run by ISKCON has drawn praise from US President elect Barack Obama. He appreciated the good work done by the Akshaya Patra Foundation in a letter that he wrote to them before he was elected as President of United States.
While Obama was on his campaign trail, he heard about Akshaya Patra mid-day meal programme of India and took time off to send a congratulatory note. In the note sent to the head of Akshaya Patra office in Boston, he writes, “Your use of efficient and innovative business practices to scale up in just a few years from feeding 1,500 school children daily to almost a million is a powerful demonstration of what’s possible when people work together.”
He points out that the Akshaya Patra could serve as a model for other countries as well. The letter reads, “I want to congratulate you and the people of the Akshaya Patra Foundation for the incredible progress you’ve made in feeding the children of India. Your use of efficient and innovative business practices to scale up in just a few years from feeding 7001 school children daily to almost a million is a powerful demonstration of what’s possible when people work together.
“Behavioural, emotional and academic problems are more prevalent among children with hunger. Hunger and malnutrition also make it much more difficult to fight AIDS and other public health challenges. By feeding children now, you are helping to avoid any negative consequences that would be much more difficult and expensive to address later on.
“In just a few years, Akshaya Patra has become the largest single feeding program in the world. Your example of using advanced technologies in central kitchens to reach children in 5,700 schools is an imaginative approach that has the potential to serve as a model for other countries. Thank you again for all of your efforts”. Said Madhu Pandit Dasa, Chairman, Akshaya Patra Foundation, “We hope one day we will be able to showcase one of our large kitchens to Barack Obama and demonstrate how our governments and civil societies are working in partnership for the development of our children to bring about a transformation in the country.”
The other ISKCON authorities too are thrilled to get a compliment from a personality like Obama. They say that he wants to replicate the programme in African countries.

In India, the World’s Largest School Lunch Program- Time Magazine

Time Magazine

Narasimha Das is on his way to feed 169,379 hungry children. A devotee of Lord Krishna, Das oversees operations in an industrial-size kitchen in the Hindu religious town of Vrindaban, about a three-hour drive from New Delhi. As he reaches work, the pebbles on the facility’s driveway crunch softly in the semidarkness of a nippy October morning. It’s only 3 a.m., but the kitchen, run by the Akshaya Patra Foundation, already exudes the warm fragrance of freshly baked chapati. Thirty men in overalls and mouth and hair guards silently labor over tons of wheat flour and dough. They have less than five hours to make tens of thousands of rounds of Indian flatbread that will be loaded onto heat-insulated, dust-free delivery vans and transported to 1,516 schools in and around Vrindaban.
As the world’s cameras focus on India this week, with U.S. President Barack Obama making his first visit to New Delhi, scenes like this one — and the problems it underscores — are not likely to capture much of the international spotlight. Despite its optimistic economy and growing geopolitical clout, India continues to be home to more undernourished children than any other country; 42% of the world’s underweight children under age 5 live here. A global hunger index released this month by the International Food Policy Research Institute ranked India 67th out of 84 countries on indicators like child malnourishment, child mortality and calorie deficiency.
It’s hardly a new problem. To address the enduring and intertwined problems of hunger, child malnutrition and illiteracy, India launched the Mid-Day Meal Scheme, the largest school-lunch program in the world, back in the 1960s. Today the program feeds 120 million students every day across the nation. Akshaya Patra, a Bangalore-based nonprofit, is its largest nongovernmental partner, running 17 kitchens across eight states and providing hot meals to more than 1.26 million children every day at their schools. The program aspires to feed 5 million children by 2020; described by Obama as a “powerful demonstration of what’s possible when people work together,” it today runs on a public-private partnership model, with 65% of its funds provided by the government.
Das, president of the Vrindaban operation, tells TIME the Vrindaban kitchen now makes 250,000 flatbreads, four tons of rice, more than two tons of lentils and between five and six tons of vegetables each morning. The menu, developed with the needs of growing children and local food habits in mind, consists of rice or chapatis and a different kind of Indian soup, like daal or kadhi (a soup made from yogurt and flour), with vegetables and, once a week, dessert.
The subject of a 2007 Harvard study about time management, Akshaya Patra began providing cooked, nutritious meals on its own initiative for 1,500 schoolchildren in Bangalore in 2000, a year before India’s highest court made it mandatory for the government to provide cooked meals to children in all government and government-assisted primary schools each day. “It was shocking how much a meal, which we take for granted, meant to these children,” says Chanchalapathi Dasa, vice chairman of the Akshaya Patra Foundation. In 2006 the NGO hooked up with the federal Mid-Day Meal Scheme, which has been a huge success and is seen as key to helping India meet its Millennium Development Goals of eradicating extreme poverty and hunger and achieving universal primary education. That program’s funds increased from approximately $670 million in 2005-06 to slightly more than $1 billion in 2006-07. (See pictures from Obama’s Asia trip.)
Despite its success, Akshaya Patra’s guiding principle has remained the same: that no children in India will miss out on education because they are too hungry to attend. For more than 13 million children in India, attending school is not a priority because if they don’t work they will go hungry. Despite repeated requests from other parts of the developing world, Akshaya Patra wants to remain focused on India. “We have enough hungry children to feed in India,” Dasa says.
Later in the morning, the Akshaya Patra delivery van arrives at the Gopalgarh Primary School, a little more than a mile away from the kitchen. The children look out expectantly as the familiar thud of the food containers being unloaded from the truck reach their ears. Laxmi Binodini, the headmistress, says attendance has increased from 120 to 200 students since the program started in her school four years ago. The number of girls has doubled. “Parents now have an incentive to send the girls to school. Previously they would be taken off after [age 9] to stay at home and do the cooking and other chores,” Binodini says. A survey by Akshaya Patra showed that since its kitchen started in Vrindaban in 2006, attendance in the town’s schools rose from 80.6% to 92.4% and the proportion of underweight children dropped from 38% to 26%.
When the gong sounds for lunch break at noon, the children tumble out of the classrooms. They wait while the teachers dole out the soft chapatis and steaming lentils and vegetables. Laxman, a 12-year-old boy, returns for seconds. In keeping with its name, which means an inexhaustible bowl of food, Akshaya Patra allows as many helpings as the children want — as long as they finish what’s on their plate.
Read more: TIME

New Hare Krishna temple opens today – FIGI

The Hare Krishna Movement in Fiji has invested $4.7 million in the country by building its temple in Sigatoka town.

Spokesperson for the Movement Dr Rajesh Maharaj said construction works of the Shri Radha Damodar temple started three years ago and work is still underway.
However, he said the decision to have the opening this weekend is due to this auspicious month in the Movement’s calendar.
He said the initiative to have the temple constructed came from two female members of the Hare Krishna Movement and this act is the first of its kind in the Movement’s history.
He said the temple will cater for the homeless and elderly too.
The Hare Krishna temple opening will take place today with various prayers and installation of statues.


Arrested ex-ISKCON president remanded in police custody

Imphal, November 15 2010: Ousted ISKCON president Ajit Das, who was arrested by police on the charge of attempting to commit suicide, has been taken 15-day remand into police custody after producing in a local court here Monday.
Ajit Das has been on fast since November 12 last expressing strong decry on the charges level against him while ousting him from the post of president of the ISKCON (International Society for Krishna Consciousness), Manipur. Maharaja Gopal Krishna of the ISKCON charged him of misused of funds while he was taken out from the post of president.
Ajit Das strongly refuted the charge level against him and started indefinite fast stir demanding withdrawal of the charges.
Police rounded up him yesterday from his fasting place in front of Mani Mandir of ISKCON temple in Imphal and produced him in the court of Chief Judicial Magistrate, Imphal after booking him under section 309 (attempt to commit suicide) of Singjamei police station of Imphal west.
The court released him on bail with a surety bond amount of Rs 500 but he refused to furnish the surety amount.
Following the non-furnishing of the amount, court ordered him to keep in the police custody for 15 days, that is, till November 29 next.
Source: Hueiyen News Service

Where did the Hare Krishnas go?


So, whatever happened to the Hare Krishna movement?
Back in the 1970s, robed members of the sect were frequently seen on street corners, chanting the “Hare Krishna” mantra, with their hair shorn.
These days, you are more likely to see robed Anglican bishops occupying a corner of Bay and Front Sts. and passing out literature.
Krishna devotees haven’t gone into hiding, but they have toned down the missionary zeal from those crazy days of counterculture movements.
As one senior devotee says, “we are now more interested in quality than quantity.”
Formed by his Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada in 1965, the Hare Krishnas of the time were full of brashness and ideals. Now, you see a gentler side, with mostly South Asians attending the temple with their young children.
This fresh injection of Hare Krishnas has brought to the temple the most affluent and educated members in the movement’s history. They are young bankers, computer consultants, software developers, dentists, PhD students. They drive Mercedes, Audis, BMWs, wear Western clothes and live in opulent homes, some with altars built so they can worship at home.
The Hare Krishnas worship Krsna, thought to be the source of all incarnations of God. An offshoot of Hinduism, the movement teaches followers that through chanting and meditation they can achieve true bliss, a higher state of consciousness and self-realization through the instructions of the spiritual master.
Lifetime members not only chant a 16-word mantra to Hare Krishna, sometimes lasting hours a day, they agree to abstain from meat, gambling, alcohol and illicit sex.
The decline of the movement began in part with revelations of child-abuse scandals at boarding schools in the U.S. and India in the 1970s and 1980s. Money troubles followed, and their world changed.
Another setback came earlier this year with a California Supreme Court ruling that kicked the Hare Krishnas out of Los Angeles International Airport.
In Toronto, there are believed to be 300 to 500 hard-core members, although leaders say actual numbers around the GTA are much higher.
David Arthur Reed, professor emeritus at Wycliffe College who studies religions and spirituality, said he’s not surprised the movement has shifted away from its highly evangelistic phase.
“Many such groups that were part of the idealism of the time have dwindled away,” he said.
A big draw is the weekly Sunday feast at the temple in the tony Rosedale neighbourhood on Avenue and Roxborough Rds. The event includes a service, kirtan (chanting and dancing) and a heaping vegetarian meal.
This emphasis on good food, also served six days a week to the general public, prompts followers to quip that their movement is the “kitchen religion.”
The Hare Krishna movement has long appealed to 58-year-old Bhaktimarga Swami, formerly John Peter Vis, who is among 15 monks living in the temple. In 1972, fresh off the farm in Blenheim, Ont., and repulsed by the slaughtering of animals, Vis came to Toronto expecting to see hippies but noticed something different on the street corners.
“At the time people had all this long hair, and there were these guys singing and dancing with no hair and I thought this was a bit odd, actually shocking,” the monk recalls. The fine arts student at Cambrian College in Sudbury latched on and never looked back.
The higher education of new members is used to counter any argument that the membership is being brainwashed, or that this is a cult.
“These people are too smart to be brainwashed,” a senior devotee says. “They’re no dummies. They are graduates of universities.”
And they are tech savvy as well. The have Facebook pages and their videos are posted on YouTube.
Bhaktimarga Swami maintains his own blog ( www.thewalkingmonk.org) and the international temples compete to see which one can produce the more attractive website.
Wealth doesn’t clash with the simplicity and austerity of the movement says another devotee, Dr. Haleh Ashkevari, a Markham cosmetic and implant dentist.
The faith teaches her “that if I’m good at what I do, I should keep doing it.”
The members believe that only when you misuse your material wealth, or use it for only self-gratification, will you get bad karma.
The wealth effect — some would say the snobbery effect — has turned up as a small issue inside the temple’s walls.
When a new devotee is introduced, the first question often asked is: “What do you do for a living?”
“Who cares what you do? It’s the consciousness that counts,” says a devotee, who did not want to be named. “It’s not what you own, it’s what you know.”
Although the membership is rich in material wealth and the temple is ornate inside, there is still a reverence for simplicity and sacrifice.
Yet that doesn’t always translate into life outside the temple.
“We haven’t seen anybody give up their Rolls-Royces,” the swami said with a wry grin.

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