MUMBAI: The Bombay high court on Friday allowed Iskcon to go ahead with its rath yatra at Shivaji Park on Saturday. However, the BMC will put Iskcon under a scanner to check for violations of civic rules and regulations while organizing the famed rath yatra at Shivaji Park Kridasthan. "We will videotape the arrangements and check for violations. Accordingly, the BMC will initiate action against Iskcon," said Kishor Kshirsagar, deputy municipal commissioner, Zone II.
Meanwhile, residents will hold a silent protest on Saturday to drive home the point that the ground is meant only for sporting activities. - ome of the affected paries are budding cricketers from Young Mahrashtra Club, Kamath Memorial pitch where stage is constructed, Bengal club and Bharat Cricket Club.
"We had to postpone matches. According to rules and regulations they are not supposed to construct on the ground. Four portions of the grounds are occupied. The ratha yatra is on a big scale. We will have a silent demonstration tomorrow," said Sangam Lad, maidan secretary, Mumbai Cricket Association.
Around one lakh people are expected to throng the prestigious grounds on Saturday.
Ashok Ravat, secretary, WECOM Trust, which filed a PIL to declare Shivaji Park a silence zone, said BMC's permissions for ratha yatra to Iskcon could set a precedent for other religious groups to organise similar functions on the ground.