The great Guru hoax has only survived for so long due to the extreme suppressive measures that the powers that be have taken to maintain the status quo. Using techniques akin to those of Nazi Germany, the Gurus and their hired hands have implemented bans against literature and devotees, enforced with heavy violence.
The centre-piece of their campaign to keep the truth hidden has been to control the freedom of speech and thought of its members. Following, we see a letter which was sent out by the largest ISKCON temple in Europe to many devotees, threatening their removal from temple premises through the agency of the local Police.
GBC launches violent assault on ISKCON-IRM temple in Calcutta. The weapons used by the thugs were displayed on every TV station in West Bengal.
In a similar vein, the ISKCON GBC Headquarters, Mayapur, was also found to be the site of a BOMB FACTORY:
So in conclusion we can see that a combination of suppression and violence has been employed to sustain the hoax, and keep the truth away from many innocent followers of ISKCON. But the IRM is determined to bring out the truth about Srila Prabhupada, regardless of the dangers and obstacles. You owe it to yourself to not remain in the dark any longer, and discover the truth.
The centre-piece of their campaign to keep the truth hidden has been to control the freedom of speech and thought of its members. Following, we see a letter which was sent out by the largest ISKCON temple in Europe to many devotees, threatening their removal from temple premises through the agency of the local Police.
- Their crime?
They were SUSPECTED of simply BELIEVING that Srila Prabhupada is the Guru of ISKCON. And they are only able to lift this arbitrarily imposed ban if they recant their views and agree to not even discuss it in their OWN HOMES.
- Orwellian or what?
Vipramukhya ex-Swami |
What makes this situation even more unbelievable is that the henchman who issued this letter, a ‘Vipramukhya Swami’ - one of the 80-odd ‘voted in’ unauthorised ISKCON Gurus - when not imposing thought control on temple worshippers is busy trying to imitate the children’s fictional character, Harry Potter, as these bizarre photographic self-portraits demonstrate. Confusing ‘Harry Potter’ with ‘Hare Krishna’: Vipramukhya Swami, former Temple President of Bhaktivedanta Manor,
UK, and fallen ISKCON Guru, imitating the children’s fictional wizard in Srila Prabhupada’s sacred quarters at Bhaktivedanta Manor (photographs as displayed on the ex-Swami’s web site)
The ludicrous nature of the situation comes full-circle when, after ruthlessly banning innocent temple worshippers from worshipping, Mr. Swami decides himself to fly off Harry Potter-style (as pictured above) to some unknown destination with one of his female followers. (pictured right) |
Letter: PAMHO:5977801 (140 lines) From: Vipramukhya Swami Date: 11-Sep-02 15:18 To: Bcc: Padyavali (dd) ACBSP (Vancouver - CAN) Subject: Apologies and departure My dear friends and disciples in ISKCON…I have reached a dead end in my ability to continue… Regretfully, I also confess that seeking some kind of recourse and companionship, I was not always able to strictly follow the regulative principles… It is only that I am simply unable to continue living the external show of being the advanced devotee that I am not… It would be cruel and unfair if I were to falsely mislead you into believing that I am in some way qualified or capable to act as your true spiritual master. I am not. |
This just illustrates more graphically the nature of the hoax. Bogus Gurus institute bogus bans to preserve their bogus status, only for them to then reveal their bogus nature and run off with a young ‘disciple’. This nature of the bogus unauthorised Guru is predicted in the scripture wherein Srila Prabhupada states:
“But sometimes, if a spiritual master is not properly authorized and only on his own initiative becomes a spiritual master, he may be carried away by an accumulation of wealth and large numbers of disciples.” (Nectar Of Devotion, Chapter 14) |
Here we see that only an unauthorised Guru will display this nature of getting carried away in illicit relationships. And since all the ‘Gurus’ were ‘authorised’ or ‘unauthorised’ in the same GBC elected manner, it just takes the illicit actions of one of them to expose the others as also being similarly unauthorised.
Thought control |
Former ISKCON Guru and Bhaktivedanta Manor Temple President Vipramukhya Swami puts it in writing: Accepting Srila Prabhupada as the Guru of ISKCON is banned in your own home!
The International Society for Krishna Consciousness Founder-Acarya - His Divine Grace A. C.Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada Bhaktivedanta Manor, Dharam Marg, Hilfield Lane, Aldenham,Watford Herts,WD2 8EZ (U.K.) OFFICE OF THE TEMPLE PRESIDENT Tel: 01923 857244 Fax: 01923 853214 Mobile: 0468 383219 Bhaja Hari Prabhu c/o 65 Boumehall Avenue Bushey, Herts WD23BB Dear Bhaja Hari Prabhu, Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada. As temple president of Bhaktivedanta Manor, I am under solemn oath to uncompromisingly uphold the mandates of the GBC body as per Srila Prabhupada’s instructions. As you know, the GBC body has legislated that the posthumous ritvik theory must not be practiced or propagated in any ISKCON Temple as per the following GBC resolution: Whereas the posthumous ritvik theory (a concocted system by which a spiritual master allegedly acts as diksa guru after his departure through the agency of ritviks or officiating priests) has never been sanctioned by His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada; Whereas posthumous ritvik initiation has never been practiced by the Gaudiya Vaisnava Sampradaya (disciplic succession); Whereas posthumous ritvik initiation has never been approved by sadhu, sastra, and guru; Whereas the posthumous ritvik theory essentially conflicts with the law of disciplic succession as established by Lord Sri Krishna, as taught by Srila Prabhupada and all previous Acaryas, and as practiced by all bona fide Vaisnava sampradayas; The GBC hereby declares that the posthumous ritvik initiation theory is a dangerous philosophical deviation. It is therefore totally prohibited in ISKCON. No devotee shall participate in such posthumous ritvik initiation ceremony in any capacity including acting as ritvik initiate, assistant, organizer, or ?- nancer. No ISKCON devotee shall advocate or support its practice. (GBC Resolution 1990-73) It is the desire of the local ISKCON, UK Charity Board of Directors, chaired by His Holiness Sivarama Swami, that I strictly uphold the above mandate, and hence this letter. They have obliged me to ban all persons who advocate, assist, organise or help finance posthumous ritvik theories from coming to Bhaktivedanta Manor. You are suspect of supporting and/or advocating the cantankerous word jugglery of the posthumous ritvik concoctions.While you have a right to your personal opinion,I am not satis?ed your visits to Bhaktivedanta Manor are in the best interests of ISKCON.In order for me to assist in allowing you to continue visiting Bhaktivedanta Manor,I need you to satisfy me that you do not advocate or support the posthumous ritvik theory.You can do this by signing the following statement to demonstrate your loyalty to Srila Prabhupada and the Governing Body Commission of ISKCON: I ___________solemnly vow that I am not/no longer a supporter or advocate of the posthumous ritvik initiation theory. I accept fully to abide by the injunction of the GBC as implemented by the temple president of Bhaktivedanta Manor not to advocate or support either at home or at the temple the unauthorized posthumous ritvik theory. I accept that if I am found supporting or advocating the unauthorized posthmous ritvik theories, I will be banned from the Manor and all its functions and that this ban will take place immediately. By contravening this agreement, I will risk being removed by the constabulary and listed with them as a disturbance to the peace at Bhaktivedanta Manor. Signature __________________________ Date ______________________ Failure to return this registered letter within seven days, duly completed and signed, will automatically enforce a ban on you at the Bhaktivedanta Manor grounds and any of it’s public festivals. To otherwise intrude will be illegal and hence warrant prosecution against you. Please note that it is not acceptable to take the position that you are still “making up your mind” on this issue.That will be taken as your failure to support the GBC resolution quoted above, and will result in your being banned. Sorry if you are offended by this letter but I’m sure you will understand that the interest of ISKCON’s faithful followers must come first. I look forward to receiving the letter duly completed and signed. Yours in the protection of Srila Prabhupada’s movement, Vipramukhya Swami Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare United Kingdom Registered Charity No. 259649. Registered in England under Limited Liability No. 962009 |
“I accept fully to abide by the injunction of the GBC as implemented by the temple president of Bhaktivedanta Manor not to advocate or support either AT HOME or at the temple the unauthorized posthumous ritvik theory.”
Hiding the truth, Part 2: Violence |
However, the campaign of tyranny does not just stop at banning devotees. In many cases, violence is also used. The newspaper report below graphically demonstrates what happens when any member of ISKCON dares to challenge the orthodoxy. In Calcutta, ISKCON’s longest serving temple President of 23 years Adridharana Das, dared to join the IRM. His temple was attacked by 250 thugs armed to the teeth with knives, chains and machetes, who wanted to oust him by any means necessary:
72 ISKCON Men Held For Rowdyism
April 28, 2001
Seventy two ISKCON Mayapur devotees were arrested by the Shakespeare Sarani Police on charges of rowdyism on Saturday morning. They have been kept in Police custody. Sources say that more than 250 ISKCON Mayapur devotees barged into the ISKCON Revival Movement office on Albert Road on Friday evening and tried to assault IRM President Adridharana Das who, they claimed, is no more the president. Adridharana Das had filled a case against 70 ISKCON Mayapur Gurus who claimed they were the chief leaders of the ISKCON Movement. Das said ISKCON only had one leader - Srila Prabhupada. This has been the major bone of contention between the two factions. They assaulted the 15 IRM devotees who lived inside the temple and held them hostage for the entire night. They again assaulted the IRM devotees on Saturday night. “They were always looking for a chance to attack me. They planned the assault and did it on Friday because the court is closed on Saturday and Sunday and I cannot appeal there”, Das said. |
April 28, 2001 ISKCON Devotees, Monks Arrested The city Police on Saturday arrested 72 devotees and monks of the International Society For Krishna Consciousness (ISKCON) who went on a rampage and clashed inside its Kolkata Temple office. Assistant Commissioner of Police (South Division) Prasanta Chatopadhyay, and four constables were injured while trying to separate the warring sadhus. [...] On Saturday, devotees and monks were arrested from the temple office on the charge of unlawful assembly, police said. About 150 devotees and monks of ISKCON’s Mayapur temple arrived here last (Friday) night, and tried to “evict the outsiders” in the ISKCON’s Albert Road temple office. This led to heated scuffles and exchanges, police said. |
15/10/01: “Police arrested three persons from Iskcon temple in Mayapur and seized the attendance register, in relation to a blast near the Temple on Saturday which killed a man & injured two brothers. According to Police, Babu Ghose was making crude bombs near the temple compound when one of them went off accidentally killing him on the spot & injuring two others. Initially, the temple authorities had denied any connection with the deceased or the injured but on Sunday admitted that Ghose was a group D staff.” |