Plus is a social transformation program launched by ISKCON Bangalore,
with a view to working at the very foundation of the society: Children.
The aim of Values Plus
is to build a superior value system, reinforce the moral fiber and
create an ethical framework in children. To achieve this, Values Plus
uses a workshop-based model with an interesting mix of interactive
audiovisual content, activity based learning and fieldwork,
on a sustained basis, throughout the year, and across years of
Plus focuses on personal transformation, by using a delivery mechanism
that places the student in the center. Our unique “Student View” model
of “Receive: Resolve:
Internalize: Implement”, is based on the ancient Vedic system of
learning, where enquiry was central to the acquisition of knowledge. To
this end, Values Plus has launched Values Quest, an evaluation program
that helps place emphasis on and assesses the extent
of personal transformation in a child. Values Quest reviews a child’s
participation in Values Plus, holistically. As a part of the Values
Quest evaluation framework, for each child, we carefully consider
participation level across the year in Values Plus sessions,
performance in written tests that urge contemplation and decision
making on “soft” topics, fieldwork and finally, observations on
individual and group behavior during outbound learning trips. The
feedback from all these areas is integrated to assess the extent
of personal transformation a child has undergone.
lead to a next level of evaluation, where children will participate in a
comprehensive out bound learning session that spans three days.
Plus intends to fund, in a small way, as a token of encouragement, a
few of the projects based on merit, to ensure that the transformation
mindset builds and grows
at the individual and societal level.
ISKCON Bangalore intends to launch, a more comprehensive, integrated
program that will integrate Values Plus with interesting events
interspersed throughout
the year, to promote Indian Arts, Culture and Heritage. This program
will provide a holistic engagement and platform for children, to develop
a well-rounded personality and talents that they possess.
event focuses on evaluation of projects being presented by children,
based on their fieldwork. Each of these projects has a social
reengineering theme, ranging from
care for the aged to environment conservation, and from helping the
less privileged to community development. The evaluation is done based
on well-defined parameters and rating structures that ensure fair and
standard evaluation across varying themes of projects.

Thanking you,
Yours in Service of God and Mankind
Bharatarshabha Dasa
Head – Communication and Public Relations Department
ISKCON, Bangalore
Encl: Annexure 1 - Values Plus info.
PS: Please find attached the photos of Values Quest of ISKCON Bangalore.
Annexure 1: Values Plus
Plus is a social transformation program launched by ISKCON Bangalore,
with a view to working at the very foundation of the society: Children.
The aim of Values Plus
is to build a superior value system, reinforce the moral fiber and
create an ethical framework in children. To achieve this, Values Plus
uses a workshop-based model with an interesting mix of interactive
audiovisual content, activity based learning and fieldwork,
on a sustained basis, throughout the year, and across years of
Plus content is designed to cater to specific needs of different age
groups, and synchronized sequentially to help children receive, resolve,
internalize and implement,
ideas and concepts related to morality, ethics and model citizenry,
easily and completely.
Plus content is derived from what we describe as world wisdom; wisdom
that is common to all civilizations across history, and embodied in the
timeless and quintessential
Vedic culture or the original heritage of India.

aim and success of Values Plus lies in creating a responsible,
sensitive, honorable and gentlemanly citizenry that has the potential of
creating a new world culture,
founded firmly on Righteousness, Goodness and Godliness.
Values Plus is part of ISKCON Bangalore’s key initiative called India Heritage Studies.
Fact Sheet:
Created and Launched in
Working with
4500 children increasing to 6000 next year.
Three Schools increasing to five next year.
Age group Range
Grade V to 10 for Values Plus Senior
Grade 1 to IV for Values Plus Junior
Course content
Between 32 to 40 values and life skills across 7 to 8 years. Each year has on an average 4 to 5 values delivered
through a total of 20 to 30 sessions per year for each child.
Learning environment
Sessions conducted in specially designed room in the school premises
Field work
Across the academic year and across grades.
Integration with mainstream learning sessions
Values Plus sessions are designed to integrate with mainstream education time table of the school
Values Plus is a paid program. Fees depend on the level of engagement.
Engagement method
Values Plus contracts with the School Administration