Thursday, February 27, 2014

Why ISKCON should not worship Shiva? Prabhupada's Point of View

Let me point out few quotes of Srila Prabhupada about worshiping Demi-Gods in ISKCON.
“You know that we have refused even the Hindu people to hold demigod worship in our temple […]
As a matter of fact, we should not allow anyone to hold any function in our temple, otherwise than Vaisnava principle”
(Srila Prabhupada Letter, 10th October 1968)

“Other demigods, like Brahma, Siva, Surya, Ganesa and many similar deities, are worshiped by men in the mode of passion, urged on by the desire for material enjoyment. But those who are actually situated in the mode of goodness (sattva-guna) of material nature worship only visnu-tattvas […]
It is for this reason only that candidates for liberation deliberately reject the worship of the demigods, although they have no disrespect for any one of them.”
(Srimad-Bhagavatam, 1.2.26, purport)
“So I think that the Murti which you have got is not Visnu Murti, but it appears to be a Murti of Lord Siva.
Anyway, this Murti is not worshipable by us. In our temple we shall always worship Radha Krishna Murti or Lord Jagannatha.”
(Srila Prabhupada Letter, 15th January 1969)
"The greatest danger to our movement will come when we manufacture and create our own process for worshiping the deities."
(Srila Prabhupada Letter, 4/1/73)
"But if everyone says that "I can manufacture my own way of worshiping the Deity," then what will be the condition? It will be simply pandemonium. "
(Srila Prabhupada Lecture, 22/6/72)
"The Deity worship should be done just in the way it was carried out in my presence."
(Srila Prabhupada Letter, 13/11/70)
But See what these ISKCON Temples and Fake gurus have done..

ISKCON Abentheuer celebrating Shiva Ratri (above). Bhakti Charu Swami (“BCS”) worshipping Lord Shiva in ISKCON Ujjain, India (Right side)

GBC Weak Defence:-

In justifying this move towards demigod worship, Badrinayan has offered the following reasons:
1) “Did you know that Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Saraswati Thakur established a Siva linga in a small temple at the Yog Pith, the birthplace of Lord Chaitanya? Lord Siva is there as protector of the dham / temple site. Rupa Goswami and Sanatan Goswami had murtis of Ganesh carved over each entrance to their temples (Govindaji and Madan-Mohan).” (Badrinarayan Das, 10th March 2006).
2) “The temple is meant to be teaching experience. One of the biggest misconceptions in the minds of many (both westerners and Indians) is that the Vedas teach that there are many gods, not one singular God.”
(Badrinarayan Das, 10th March 2006).

3) “Both by the layout of the temple and by the brochures we will give to guests, they will understand that the devas and Lord Siva are servants / devotees of the one Supreme Lord. The shrines for Ganesha and Lord Siva are on a lower level than the main temple.” […] The layout and experience it invokes will serve as powerful preaching if I don’t say so myself, all presented in a very palatable yet solid way.”
(Badrinarayan Das, 10th March 2006).

Well, they never learn... ISKCON TRUTH got invite from ISKCON Scarborough 

Hare Krishna!
Please accept our humble obeisances!
All glories to Srila Prabhupada!
All glories to Sri Guru and Sri Gauranga!
On the auspicious occasion of  Siva Ratri coming Friday  - 28th Feb 2014 , there will be a grand celebration at ISKCON Scarborough where Lord Siva who is the greatest of all Vaishnavas will be honored.
The schedule is as follows:
6.45 pm - Tulasi Arti
7 pm - Abhisheka (bathing ceremony) for Lord Siva
7.30 pm- Class on the Glories of Lord Siva
8.15 pm- Arati
8.45 pm- 1 round group chanting of the Hare Krsna Maha Mantra
9 pm - Free vegetarian feast (prasadam)

With best wishes from,
ISKCON Scarborough
3500 McNicoll Avenue, Unit #3,

Watch this following video for more details:

ISKCON TRUTH request our devotees to comment below and make your point of view clear so that GBC never repeats these kind of blunders.