Thursday, May 8, 2014

Prabhupadanugas against Madhu Pandit Dasa: Truth Revealed

Dayalu Nitai Das
Well! Recently ISKCON Truth found out that Prabhupadanugas (previously praised iskcon bangalore) is attacking iskcon bangalore & akshaya patra chairman Sriman Madhu Pandit Das. An article about Madhu Pandit Das which disturbed scenes at iskcon bangalore as well as its competitors got another reason to attack Madhu Pandit Das. ISKCON Truth was quite all this while to find out the real reason behind that article and to the world I am here to present the original face of the article writer "Dayalu Nitai Das".

Dayalu Nitai Das finished his B.Tech in Chemical Engineering from IIT-Kanpur. He is the president of Hare Krishna Community, Jaipur and a Director of BIGVC (Bhaktivedata International Gurukul and Varnasrama College). Most of the devotees might know this but Dayalu Nitai Das/ Dayalu Nitai Sundar das was a follower of Jai Pataka Swami and a former devotee of ISKCON Bangalore, who left iskcon bangalore in 1998 (I dont have a good guess why he left)

Jaipur HKC Prabhupadanugas 'Struggle For Truth' Original Article (Part -1)

Not long ago you were “Struggling for Truth” complaining that ISKCON is attacking your Bangalore Hare Krishna Centre. So, now why are your Akshaya Patra people doing the same with devotees of Hare Krishna Community, Jaipur? Please stop your attacks. We are on the same side and there is NO NEED of attacking our devotees.
Your Akshaya Patra devotees are engaged in false and malicious propaganda against the devotees of the Hare Krishna Community Jaipur. You have to stop this!
Dayalu Nitai Prabhu has been complaining about this to you with a copy to all your GBC members since last 3-4 years but nobody has cared to do anything to stop this malicious propaganda that HKC, Jaipur is bogus because it is not under ‘your’ GBC.
Your devotees are going to the extent of telling people not to give donation to HKC, telling the students not to attend lectures organized by Dayalu Nitai, spreading false stories that Dayalu Nitai asked for some post so he was removed from Akshaya Patra wherein the fact is that he has been preaching in Jaipur since the year 2000 when Akshay Patra did not even exist!!!
Now you are discussing so many compromises with ISKCON, Why are you not able to properly communicate with us ? Instead of trying to find a peaceful solution you are using words like “full scale war” for trivial issues in your mails to Dayalu Nitai Prabhu.
We suggest that you or your representative should meet with Dayalu Nitai Prabhu as soon as possible and clear all differences and misunderstandings and undo all the damage that has been done by Akshay Patra devotees. Don’t let this fighting destroy the faith of devotees who are trying to become faithful followers of Srila Prabhupada.
Dear Madhu Pandit and Chanchalpati Prabhus, your continued false propaganda against us has to stop. Otherwise we will be forced to take appropriate steps to protect Srila Prabhupada’s movement going on here in Jaipur by HKC devotees.
If you still do not take any action then we will assume that you do not care for any other Prabhupada-anuga group of devotees which are not controlled by  “YOUR” organization. In that case you should stop calling Iskcon Bangalore as Srila Prabhupada’s Iskcon. Since you are antagonistic against Srila Prabhupadas Ritvik temple in Jaipur we will be forced to believe that you and your AP has nothing to do with Srila Prabhupada’s real mission. Your so-called fighting for the RITVIK CAUSE is nothing but a farce.
To substantiate all the above claims we have included the link “Open letter to Madhu Pandit Das and Chanchalpati Das from Dayalu Nitai Das”
If you care to hear other devotees who are not part of your group then We can also discuss about so many visible deviatons in the working of IB group of temples from the teachings of Srila Prabhupada. If you still do not respond then for everyones benefit we will bring out all these deviations from Srila Prabhupada’s teachings with strong proofs and evidences in our next article.
“Satyam, truthfulness, means that facts should be presented as they are for the benefit of others. Facts should not be misrepresented. According to social conventions, it is said that one can speak the truth only when it is palatable to others. But that is not truthfulness. The truth should be spoken in a straight and forward way, so that others will understand actually what the facts are.” (Bhagavad-gita 10.4 purport)

Open letter to Madhu Pandit Das and Chanchalpati Das from Dayalu Nitai Das
From: Dayalu Nitai Das
Date:  Fri, Jan 31, 2014 at 12:01 AM
To: Chanchal Pati Das
Cc: Madhu Pandit Das <>,Ratnagada <>,
For the convenience of all the devotees who are reading this letter I will use the word HKC to refer to Hare Krishna Community, Jaipur and AP to refer to Akshayapatra, Jaipur and I will use MPP to refer to Madhupandit Prabhu in all further references in this letter.
For the information of all those devotees who may not know about HKC, I will give a brief history of HKC before coming to the main points. I have been preaching the teachings of Srila Prabhupada since the year 2000, much before AP came to Jaipur. I started preaching under the banner of HKC from 2003. Finally HKC was formally registered as a Non Profitable Trust (order no- 24/3-09-10/2009-10/48) in May 2008. HKC has also got income tax exemption from the government under the clause 80(G).
The trust deed of HKC was executed strictly according to the Direction of management (DOM) which was given by Srila Prabhupada as the final document to manage his society ISKCON. According to the trust deed there are elections every 3 years wherein general members of the trust vote and the President, treasurer and secretary are re-elected. These general members are full time dedicated initiated disciples of Srila Prabhupada with a good track record of at least five years. HKC is dedicated to fulfil the same aims for which Srila Prabhupada founded Iskcon.
Initiation is performed as per the ritvik system as given by Srila Prabhupada in July 9th letter. I, as the current Temple President of HKC recommend devotees for 1st and 2nd initiations to some ritvik. Some senior disciples of Srila Prabhupada like Gauridas Pandit Prabhu (personal servant of Srila Prabhupada during his final pastimes) have played the part of ritvik in the initiation ceremonies conducted here. In the absence of a globally accepted GBC this is the best use of a bad bargain in order to strengthen the faith of devotees in Srila Prabhupada. At present there are 23 full time dedicated brahamcaris (mostly from reputed Engg. and Mgmt. colleges), 3 full time dedicated grihasthas, one brahamcari preparing for sannyasa, 15 gurukul students, 100 cows in our go-shala, 100 bigha land where development of “Hare Krishna Village” is going on in full swing.
There are many hostels where hundreds of boys are living in a Krishna Conscious atmosphere,worshipping Srila Prabhupada as their spiritual master, reading his books, hearing his lectures etc. There are preaching programs going on in almost all colleges. HKC has also started another centre in Uttranchal which will also serve as the destination for gurukul boys in summers. Uttranchal is in Himalayas and therefore the weather is pleasant there when it becomes very hot in summers in Jaipur. HKC is also going to start a new centre in Jodhpur very soon.

Dear Chanchal Pati Prabhu, 

Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada.
I hope this letter finds you in high Krishna Conscious spirit and good health.
You must be aware of all the incidents which are happening in Jaipur since last 5 years as I have been marking a copy of all the mails which were exchanged between me and MPP regarding AP Jaipur devotees calling our group (HKC) bogus, telling the donors not to give donation to HKC, telling the students not to associate with HKC devotees as they are not bonafide, telling people that ritvik initiation of HKC devotees is unauthorized, telling people some false stories about me that I demanded some post so I was removed from AP etc. etc.
I have been complaining about this non-vaisanava behavior to MPP with a copy to you, Amitasana Prabhu and Ratnagada Prabhu (President of AP, Jaipur) but nobody cared to do anything to stop this unpleasant, false and malicious propaganda. Once around 3 years back I even talked to Ratnagada about it and he told me that better we maintain distance and not intermingle.
Unfortunately AP devotees have been acting duplicitly by telling us that you do your preaching and we are doing our preaching but behind our back continuing to propagate above mentioned malicious things. In spite of all this there has not been a single incident wherein myself, any of our full time devotees or even hostel boys have spoken anything against AP.
Many times our devotees raised these issues with AP Jaipur devotees but they would deny all these charges saying that they have not done anything like that. So I have collected the following proofs to substantiate my claims -
1. Recording of phone calls of senior AP Jaipur devotees directly telling students not to associate with HKC devotees because we are bogus, not bonafide etc.
2. SMS sent to students from mobile phones of senior AP Jaipur devotees including their Vice President Anantasesha Das that HKC is bogus.
3. List of many donors who are ready to vouch that AP Jaipur devotees told them not to give donation to HKC as we are bogus etc.
4.List of many students who are ready to vouch that they were told some false stories about me that I was removed from AP because I demanded some post, so I started my own organization.
If you remember how much I fought against Iskcon to establish AP in Jaipur and when AP finally
started their centre here, Nimai Pandit Prabhu raised this issue repeatedly in Iskocn Bangalore GBC meetings to recognize HKC as an authorized Prabhupadanuga center. In response to that Iskcon Bangalore GBC gave a proposal to me through Nimai Pandit that 2 centres in one city will create problems later on so I should close HKC and move to Jodhpur and take care of AP and FOLK preaching there. This happened in 2009. I had replied to Iskcon Bangalore GBC though Nimai Pandit that if the 2 temple presidents sign a memorandum of understanding then we can co-exist peacefully. And still if all the devotees feel that there should be only one centre then instead of me going to Jodhpur, let Ratnagada go out of Jaipur and I will take care of Jaipur.
At this point I had given many reasons why it is not a good idea to ask me to move out of Jaipur as Krishna is utilizing my I.I.T degree, my being a local person from Jaipur etc. nicely for preaching. I had also stated that if Ratnagada is not inspired to go to Jodhpur then you can send him to a bigger city like Delhi and Jodhpur can be taken care of by Abhimanyu who is already preaching there. I had also mentioned in this letter that I do not need any organization‟s name for preaching as I am already getting good success in preaching in my current profile.
The AP Jaipur devotees are misutilizing this letter by showing some parts of this letter to the students and trying to twist the facts in order to prove that I was demanding some post etc. I am attaching that letter which was sent to Nimai Pandit and was forwarded by Nimai to all the members of Iskcon Bangalore GBC as a file “DND mail to NPD (Dec. 2009)” for everyone‟s detailed reference.
The purpose of writing this mail to you is to try for the last time to hold a meeting between Ratnagada, myself and some other senior devotees like you. I am sending this proposal to Ratnagada also. But seeing the seriousness of the situation and the distrust created here your presence in the meeting is essential so that some peaceful solution can be arrived at. Seeing the past record I am not very hopeful for a reply, still I am trying for the last time on the request of our mutual friend Nimai Nitai Prabhu of Ukarine. May be it will appeal to you that this meeting may prevent 1) so many offences against devotees, 2) causing faithlessness amongst general people towards Srila Prabhupada and Krishna, 3)children of grihasthas being deprived of studying in a Prabhupadanuga Gurukula etc.
AP Jaipur devotees are branding everyone other than themselves as bogus. They had put up a list of organizations in Jaipur which are bogus in AP‟s estimation in which the name of HKC and another organization GIVE was also included. I have a photograph of this notice which is now removed from their notice boards. GIVE is being run by a very senior devotee Vrindavan Chandra Prabhu who has disassociated himself from Iskcon and agrees with the 9th July letter. What about Hare Krishna Society, Prabhupada Sankirtan Society which are being run by senior Prabhupadanuga devotees ? Are they all bogus?
The worst thing which this false propaganda by AP can do is to deprive many children from getting trained in a nice Prabhupadanuga gurukul running strictly according to Srila Prabhupada‟s instructions since many parents will be put off.
If still we do not sit and talk then these things will increase. This I have been mentioning in all my previous mails from last so many years. You can see the attached file “DND mail to MPD (May 2010)”which was written to MPP 3-4 years back. I am reproducing the following few lines from this mail to MPP which was sent to him 3 years back on 7th May 2010 to substantiate my claims -
I wanted to bring to your notice about some unpleasant propaganda being done by some of the devotees in Akshaya Patra, Jaipur. In reference to your discussion with Nimai Pandit Prabhu in a meeting of ISKCON inc. trustees in Bangalore around six months back about 2 Temple President’s operating in one city, I would like to bring to your notice that the conflicts have started increasing and if you do not take some action it will have a increasing negative effect on Srila Prabhupada’s preaching mission in Rajasthan and will drive away many sincere souls from the lotus feet of Srila Prabhupada. 
And still if Ratnagada, yourself or MPP do not reply then I will be forced to believe that AP has nothing to do with Srila Prabhupada‟s mission and fighting for the ritvik cause is a farce.
I have always respected you and MPP as senior Vaisnavas. MPP‟s last mail to me was very confusing in which he was saying that he is secular under the AP brand and cannot appreciate Hare Krishna Village and he wears 2 hats one of AP under which he is secular and thus cannot talk of religion and other is Iskcon under which he can talk of Krishna.
So in the last few days I was trying to get some information about AP, ISKCON, High court case etc. to know the truth. Normally I do not visit internet much, though Raghav Pandit who is secretary of HKC informs me of necessary things which require my attention. But this time I was going through the internet and found some shocking truths which were also confirmed by many devotees. Some of those truths are as follows:
1) High court has given a judgement against MPP for forging papers and cheating. I knew that there is some case going on between Iskcon Bangalore and Iskcon Mumbai but I did not know about this forgery. I do not how far it is justified to forge documents in the name of serving Krishna. I also do not agree with Iskcon regarding the guru siddhanta and many other deviations from Srila Prabhupada‟s teachings but I believe that we should not go against the law for correcting Iskcon.
2) AP devotees are collecting money in the name of feeding children but putting the money in other trusts. When I tried to find the truth about it, I came to know of many cases in Jaipur wherein AP devotees have collected money in the name of feeding children but have given HKM receipt to the donor which does not even have 100 percent tax exemption which was promised to the donor. It is unethical even according to MPP‟s own words which he wrote to me – “Even Srila Prabhupada did not mix up feeding and iskcon and created a separate iskcon food relief set up and so strict he was that he said not a single paisa collected for feeding should be used for anything else . We are very careful and sensitive to the Akshayaptra board’s decision not to mix up the two as they are two different organization especially in public eye . When we mix we loose very big corporate donors for the cause. Missionaries have two independent hats. One of Akshayaptra and other of Iskcon.” 
3) I came to know from the letter of Gokul Chandra Prabhu of Hare Krishna Society that MPP had a closed door meeting with Iskcon EC and proposed to them that if Iskcon agrees that the 1st initiation will be performed by Srila Prabhupada then the 2nd initiation can be performed by regular pancaratrika gurus appointed by the GBC. I had heard about it from before but I did not get into the details as I had full faith in MPP that he can never think of going away from July 9th letter even in his dreams. So, at first I did not believe it but when I saw MPP‟s refutal on Sun Samprdaya I was shocked as this is accepted by MPP himself that he did make a proposal like this.
The purpose of including MPP‟s favorable comments in the newspaper advt. which came on 19th January along with comments of other senior devotees like Gauri Das Pandit Prabhu and some college heads was to counteract the propaganda by AP devotees that HKC is bogus etc. But if I would have known of the above mentioned 3 things, I would have never included MPP‟s favorable comments for Hare Krishna Village along with comments of many respectable personalities because I do not agree with the above 3 points, first two of which are illegal even in the eye of the law.
I know that anyone can make mistake unless one is a liberated soul like Srila Prabhupada. The important thing is to accept and correct the mistake. We can discuss all these things in the meeting and if things are taken in a positive light then it will benefit everyone. We have left everything and come here to serve Srila Prabhupada and we should always remain with the truth. Please respond as important issues are at stake. I am ready to accept and rectify if there are some mistakes from my side but this negative propaganda from AP must stop for everyone‟s benefit.
I am sure you will see all that I have written with a positive frame of mind and try to organize a meeting wherein we can talk on these matters and come out with a peaceful solution. For all future mails regarding the “Struggle for Truth” by HKC, Jaipur devotees if some devotees to whom I am sending a copy of this mail do not want to be included in the cc list, please write to me and I will remove them from my cc list.  I appeal to all the devotees who are reading this letter to stand for truth and help us to get justice
If the senior Prabhupadnuga devotees do not intervene and if AP continues to do bad propaganda against HKC then in protection I will also have to take some steps to protect Srila Prabhupada‟s movement going on here by HKC devotees. The best way would be to call meetings of students, donors, general public etc. and tell them the truth. This way was suggested by MPP himself in my fight against Nimai Pandit.
Once again, right now my idea of co-operation is “Live and let live”. Chanchalpati Prabhu, if you remember these are the lines you told me in relation to Iskcon, many years back when we met in Govindevaji in Jaipur. I am sure you will be able to identify with the pain which all the devotees at HKC are going through. I will wait for 2-3 days and if I do not get any reply from you then I will assume that you do not care for any other Prabhupadanuga group of devotees which are not part of „your‟ organization. In that case you should stop calling Iskcon Bangalore as Srila Prabhupada’s Iskcon.
your servant,
Dayalu Nitai Das.

Jaipur HKC Prabhupadanugas 'Struggle For Truth' Original Article (Part -2)

Lastly I would like to briefly tell about the latest issue of putting MPP’s comments in the paper.
In Nov. 2013 Nimai Pandit Prabhu (who was earlier in very good terms with MPP and Iskcon Bangalore) came to Jaipur after many years and started criticizing me that I am doing fanatic brahamcari preaching etc. on the net. MPP came to know about it from Nimai Nitai Prabhu of Ukarine and proposed to help me. MPP talked to me on the phone about it. When I was counteracting Nimai Pandit‟s baseless charges on the net I came in contact with Yasodanandan Prabhu who wrote 3 mails to me asking me to talk to MPP about affiliating with Iskcon Bangalore Group. For details you can see the attached file “YND and DND (Nov. 2013)”.
When I wrote to MPP about it he gave the following reply to me on Nov. 8 -
“He is already speculating that I am behind all this. So if u affiliate he will confirm that I did all this. So carry on as u are doing. You are doing well. It is a unique project. I don’t think u need to affiliate formally. As if affiliation to New York temple made any crucial difference to cause you to reach the project to where it is now. You can be in touch with us in cordial relationship with our local temple. This is my immediate reaction. If at all you affiliate in future I want that to happen organically by rebuilding relationship with our Jaipur temple. Let it not be a reaction to any of the present events.” 
Ys mpd (sent from BlackBerry® on Airtel)
After this I again sent a mail to MPP in Nov. 2013 telling him to hold a meeting so that the bad propaganda of AP Jaipur devotees can be stopped. This mail is attached with this letter as “DND mail to MPD (Nov. 2013)”. There was no reply. I also became busy in other preaching activities and incidents of AP Jaipur devotees doing false propaganda against us did not stop.
In Jan. 2014 HKC launched one event “Festival of India -2014” in collaboration with the most popular newspaper of Rajsthan “Dainik Bhaskar”. By the grace of Krishna we got advt. worth 50 lakhs at almost no cost from Dainik Bhaskar. The entire media was supporting us. In one of the full page advt. I thought of including MPP‟s following comments along with comments of other senior devotees and college heads to counteract the bad propaganda of AP Jaipur devotees – “carry on as u are doing. You are doing well. It is a unique project”.
My only mistake was that I did not feel the need to take MPP‟s consent to include his comments in the paper and I was also very busy organizing this festival and MPP had not been replying to my mails. 
On the plea of this small mistake MPP chooses to write the following words to me -
“First of all it is unethical to have used my name and picture and even worse is to refer to me as Chairman of Akshayapatra inspite of me not giving you permission to put my comment APF name. AkshayPatra trustees want the organization to be secular. It cannot associate publicly with religious mission. And it has nothing to do with vision of the kind of your vedic village.  If you think it does not benefit you it is not true. As if I have to believe that you put it in there because of love for me and honored by that comment . Don’t be a hypocrite. Now after igniting thefullscale war, you are talking of cooperation. When I have objected to it last night you have not cared to drop it because you want to use Akshayaptara brand. After my mail last night you should have respected my request not to use word Akshayaptra anywhere. But you did it because, you don’t want my name but you want akshayapatra’s name.”
MPP is falsely accusing me that I sent his comments to the paper in spite of his telling me not to do it whereas the fact is that I had written to him at 8:37 p.m about it and by the time his reply came at 10:38 p.m the comments had already gone. I wrote to MPP about it at 12:12 in the night that the advt. is going to come in the newspaper tomorrow and there is nothing in it which will harm him or AP. Anybody can understand that the comment could not have been taken back at 12 midnight since the papers get printed one night before as they are distributed early in the next morning. I told this to MPP in my further mails to him but MPP is continuing to say that I sent the comments inspite of his disapproval which is not true.
I am attaching a file “MPD and DND (Jan. 2014)” wherein all the mails exchanged between me and MPP regarding the newspaper advt. are there for detailed reference. It is very surprising that MPP is not talking anything about the umpteen number of mistakes done by AP Jaipur devotees from last 4-5 years and instead of trying to create a peaceful situation here he is writing such provoking mails which is being circulated to the AP Jaipur devotees, which has made the situation worse here. I had sent a mail to Yasodanandan Prabhu also appealing him to intervene but he is also silent on this issue.
Madhu Pandit Prabhu, Chanchalpati Prabhu, Jai Caitanya Prabhu, Chitranga Caitanya Prabhu, Amitasana Prabhu – is there anybody who will give their impartial judgement ? If there is any wrong from my side I am ready to accept and correct but at least you should sit and talk.
I will wait for a few more days and if there is no reply then I will forward this mail to other senior Prabhupadanuga devotees like Krishnakant Prabhu, Gokul Chandra Prabhu, Prahlad Prabhu, Vrindavanchandra Prabhu and others asking for their help. Is MPP and AP answerable to somebody or they are ultimate authority in themselves and can do anything including trying to destroy a nice flourishing group of sincere Prabhupadanuga devotees!!!
Below is the last mail sent by Dayalu Nitai Das in reply of SMS sent by Chanchal Pati Das
From: Dharmesh Sharma <>
To:     Cpd <>
cc:     Madhu Pandit Das <>,,,,
Rgovindasa Pawar <>,,
Raghava Pandit Das <>,
Manish Sharma <>,
Nimai Nitay <>,
Joseph Langevin <>
Date:      Sun, Feb 2, 2014 at 1:44 PM
Subject: Struggle for Truth – By HKC, Jaipur, India.
Dear Chanchalpati Prabhu,
For everyone’s reference I am reproducing the SMS sent by me to you at 1:53 pm on 31st January and the reply sent by you at 5:29 am on 1st February:


“I have sent a mail to you today. Please check it as soon as possible, as some very important issues are raised in this mail which require immediate attention. Waiting for your reply.”


“Yours’ is a complex issue. It can not be resolved quickly I suggest you patiently go on with your work. When I come to Jaipur, we can meet and try to resolve. I am due to come in Feb or March.”
Prabhu, you have written “Your’s is a complex issue”. With all respect to your seniority, I would like to point out that it is not a complex issue. Driven by pride, envy, greed and feelings of me and mine, Akshayapatra, Jaipur devotees have been calling our group (HKC) bogus, not bonafide, telling students not to associate with us, telling donors not to give us money, spreading false stories about me that I asked for some post, so I was removed from Akshayapatra  etc. On the other side our devotees have been ignoring and tolerating this harassment by AP devotees.
Prabhu you wrote “It can not be resolved quickly”. With all respect to your seniority, I would like to point out that it can be resolved immediately. If simply you, MPP or Ratnagada tell the AP Jaipur devotees to stop this bad propaganda and apologize to HKC devotees for the offences committed then everything can be solved immediately. The fact that this bad propaganda is continuing since last 5 years in spite of my requesting to all of you to intervene proves that either the AP Jaipur devotees are highly indisciplined or they have Ratnagada’s approval to do these nasty things.
Prabhu you wrote “I suggest you patiently go on with your work”.I would like to point out that all the devotees at HKC Jaipur have been exhibiting patience of highest degree by tolerating this injustice being done to them for last 5 years. There has not been a single incidence when myself, full time devotees of HKC or even the hostel boys have spoken against them. Only after MPP closed all doors of cooperation then I called for a meeting of our full time devotees, hostel boys, some congregation devotees and some donors who donate both to HKC and AP on 20th January. For the first time in last five years, I spoke the truth about how the AP Jaipur devotees are unnecessarily criticizing Srila Prabhupada’s movement going on here. I did this in self-defense to protect Srila Prabhupada’s movement. Devotees, hostel boys, congregation members and donors who already had similar experiences with Akshayapatra became very agitated. They have been keeping quiet because I used to always tell them to ignore and tolerate these things. Some of the reactions from these devotees after the 20th Januray meeting were as follows:
1) Dharamveer was very angry and wanted to question the AP devotees and FOLK boys about their rude behavior due to which one FOLK boy in Jodhpur even committed suicide. Dharamveer lives near our center and runs an institute for college boys. He is having his own small preaching program going on. Under the direction of AP Jaipur devotees FOLK boys have been disturbing him also calling him bogus etc. I pacified him and told him that we can raise question and speak the truth but in a peaceful law abiding way.
2) Vimal Krishna Das (Legal name- Vishesh Sharma) who is our congregation member and a journalist by profession was very angry when I confirmed that AP devotees are spreading false stories about me. He has great respect for me, so he could not tolerate this. I pacified him and told him that we can raise these issues once again to AP devotees, but in a peaceful manner.
Like that, there are hundreds and thousands of students who have great respect for me and they are very agitated on receiving dirty SMS’s from full time initiated AP Jaipur devotees. How much more patience do you expect from me and the devotees here? On the request of Nimai Nitai Prabhu I did not take any other meeting after this and have again approached you for a peaceful solution.
Prabhu you wrote “When I come to Jaipur, we can meet and try to resolve. I am due to come in feb. or march.”  Prabhu,I can not wait for so long. Even three days back one donor has reported that full time initiated devotees have told him the same story again that HKC is not bonafide, Dayalunitai demanded for some post etc. I am fed up of this bad propaganda by AP devotees and it must stop immediately. Though, it would have been good, if you would have been there for the meeting but seeing the seriousness of the situation, It would be good that Ratnagada meets me immediately. The detailed meeting, we can have when you come to Jaipur in feb or march. I will write to Ratnagada about it and send a cc to you.
This letter is not to push you for anything, it is just to inform you briefly about the situation here. When you come to Jaipur in feb. or march we can meet, till then I will try again with Ratnagada, for the last time, for a peaceful solution.
your servant,
Dayalu Nitai Das.

Reply From ISKCON Bangalore to these alligations

I have published portions of the article with my response.
Why is Madhu Pandit attacking Prabhupadanuga - devotees of Hare Krishna Community (HKC), Jaipur, India?
Madhu Pandit
Madhu Pandit – Why are you creating problems for the HKC Jaipur devotees?
Open letter to Madhu Pandit Dasa and Chanchalapati Dasa from Dayalu Nitai Das
[PADA: Oh great, notice below that the "Jaipur for truth" folks are citing the GBC guru people's lawsuit against the Prabhupadanugas, the same folks who placed false charges against Madhu Pandit (like Radhanatha and Jayapataka)  - are cited as their authorities. The GBC guru's legal case against us - is our authority? 
The GBC says we are creating forgery, and we need to believe their version, despite they forged their whole position as acharyas? The gullible nature of some of the "Prabhupadanugas" is actually sometimes astonishing. The GBC's lawsuit is the authority of these Jaipur folks, but no other Prabhupadanugas accept the GBC's version of - anything, as valid.  
Anyway, the same people who are burying dead deviants in the holy dham - are the same people who created the "forgery" lawsuit against MPD which the Jaipur Truth seekers accept as valid. Why are any sincere Prabhupadanugas citing the GBC's lawsuit against MPD as their authority? Why do we believe in the alleged merits of the GBC guru's case, and we doubt MPD and the Prabhupadanugas? That is exactly what the GBC gurus and their followers are doing, why are we on board with them?  
Radhanath swami is one of the biggest cheer leaders of this lawsuit, how has his lawsuit against the Prabhupadanugas emerged as our "legal authority" - or any other authority? Radhanath swami incidentally - just recently buried Kirtanananda in the holy dham. Radhanath's lawsuit is our "legal guidance" that we need to cite as our authority? 
This is a chronic problem here, some "Prabhupadanuga" people are compromised with the GBC's guru program - and so they cite the GBC's lawsuits against us - as their authority. Satan is the authority over the devotees of Jesus? The Gaudiya Matha folks did almost the same thing against our Srila Prabhupada, they "went to the high court" to establish that their acharyas are bona fide, and Srila Prabhupada said they were trying to override the acharyas with "high courts." The same people who are trying to override our Prabhupadanugas in the high courts, are our authority? 
The IRM and associates have done a similar thing, - Well, the courts do not accept Srila Prabhupada saying he is being given poison. OK, how did we become the surrendered servants of the courts?] 
1) High court has given a judgement against MPP for forging papers and cheating. I knew that there is some case going on between Iskcon Bangalore and Iskcon Mumbai but I did not know about this forgery. I do not how far it is justified to forge documents in the name of serving Krishna. I also do not agree with Iskcon regarding the gurusiddhanta and many other deviations from Srila Prabhupada’s teachings but I believe that we should not go against the law for correcting Iskcon.
[PADA: Oh great, "the law" in India (so far anyway) is - that the GBC can publicly say that acharyas are often fallen - and are maybe engaged in illicit sex. "The law" also allows the GBC to legally bury dead homosexuals and criminals in the holy dham (they had to get a legal permit to bury Kirtanananda) etc.  So we need to accept the verdict of these legal thinkers? Why? Of course the law allows all kinds of foolish things, just because it is "the law" does not mean its acceptable evidence for a Vaishnava?
These Jaipur folks think we need to follow this mundane law system? What about Krishna's laws that says all of this is bogus? Someone seems to have forgotten whose laws we need to follow here? The courts in India are also notoriously corrupt, as is almost everything else, which is why we always see thousands of people in India with big signs chanting and protesting the "mass corruption." Even many people LIVING IN INDIA do not accept that this government system is authorized.]   
3) I came to know from the letter of Gokul Chandra Prabhu of Hare Krishna Society that MPP had a closed door meeting with Iskcon EC and proposed to them that if Iskcon agrees that the 1st initiation will be performed by Srila Prabhupada then the 2nd initiation can be performed by regular pancaratrika gurus appointed by the GBC. I had heard about it from before but I did not get into the details as I had full faith in MPP that he can never think of going away from July 9th letter even in his dreams. So, at first I did not believe it but when I saw MPP’s refusal on Sun Sampradaya I was shocked as this is accepted by MPP himself that he did make a proposal like this.
[PADA: Right, well the court ordered a negotiation, and that means the other side has to at least attempt some concessions, however the GBC refused even the concession, so nothing was settled. Anyway, negotiation is not a settled agreement in any case? Apart from that, no one else is even engaged in a lawsuit with the bogus GBC acharyas program at all, to get even one ounce of concession? 
No one else is even trying to get any legal concession, not even a pin-head sized concession? So we should just cave in, and let the bogus GBC take the whole program, and not even get one pin-head size of concession? That has been the problem for the past 35 years, the bogus gurus get everything, the rest get nothing. At least MPD is trying to get some concessions favorable to our idea, even a pin-head is more than nothing, whereas these Jaipur people apparently want to get no concession at all, and let the GBC win the entire case by default.]  
I know that anyone can make mistake unless one is a liberated soul like Srila Prabhupada. The important thing is to accept and correct the mistake. We can discuss all these things in the meeting and if things are taken in a positive light then it will benefit everyone. We have left everything and come here to serve Srila Prabhupada and we should always remain with the truth. Please respond as important issues are at stake. I am ready to accept and rectify if there are some mistakes from my side but this negative propaganda from AP must stop for everyone’s benefit.
[PADA: Well for starters, MPD is the number one enemy of the GBC, thus attacking MPD is helping the GBC gurus, and no one else at all? Who else benefits from attacking MPD? And this is why the GBC gurus have been in power for 35 years, anyone who stands up to them is attacked. No one else has taken the GBC gurus to court to challenge them, at all! 
At least someone is doing that, so let’s shoot him down? This has helped the bogus messiahs stay in power for 35 years. For example, as soon as we stood up, then hundreds of people came forward to chop us down, and that has helped keep the bogus people in power - which a number of police, media and others have told us is the problem here as well. 
How is that helping Srila Prabhupada? 
We think some sort of discussion is a good idea, but some of your side of the argument is clearly defective and biased. In any case, we are glad you have some idea to follow the ritvik system, but there seems to be some residual connection to the bad guys going on here as well. Madhu Pandit Das has risked his life to promote Srila Prabhupada, you are citing the bogus messiahs’ arguments against MPD, ok, don't you realize how compromised that makes you? ys pd]
your servant,
Dayalu Nitai Das.
PADA Update: Dayalu das tried to hijack Akshaya Patra legal name, and is using that name without legal permission. Legal Trustees of Akshaya Patra Jaipur complained to Madhu Pandit that these unauthorized HKC pirates are using Akshaya Patra title without permission. Dayalu is also using the photo of Madhu Pandit on his flyers to collect money and support. Another pirate in our midst. This is, as usual, all about thieves stealing money and then complaining when they are caught. ys pd 

PADA Update: Above flyer made by "Jaipur for Truth" folks shows how they have hi-jacked the Akshaya Patra name, and are using the image of Madhu Pandit to get donations and gather support, in other words, to get money. They are using Akshaya Patra as a means of getting money for themselves. 
Madhu Pandit told them to stop, and then they went on a rampage. Yep, money is the root of all evil, just as the Christians are saying. JFT folks keep saying Madhu Pandit "may at some time in the future" change the initiations system, but that has not been proven at all. Meanwhile JFT folks are citing now DAYARAM'S (Mayapura GBC) articles, oh swell the people whose program supports burying dead homosexual acharyas in the holy dham are now the authority of the JFT folks. 

Yep, wherever there is Prahlad das there is support for the defenders of homosexual acharyas. Told ya! We wrote to Dayaram's group to complain that their GBC program has supported homosexuals as acharyas, and they wrote back and said WE KNOW THE GBC HAS MADE HOMOSEXUAL ACHARYAS, but we support them nonetheless. And now the JFT folks are writing to PADA citing Dayaram's arguments. Sorry, sympathizers with the bogus guru program will never be accepted by the sincere Prabhupadanugas.      
From MPP:
"Dear Dayalu, 
PAMHO. All glories to Srila Prabhupada.
First of all it is unethical to have used my name and picture and even worse is to refer to me as Chairman of Akshaya Patra in spite of me not giving you permission to put my comment APF name. Akshaya Patra Jaipur trustees want the organization to be secular. It cannot associate publicly with the religious side of the mission. And it has nothing to do with vision of the kind of your Vedic village.
If you think it does not benefit you it is not true. As if I have to believe that you put it in there because of love for me and honored by that comment. Don't be a hypocrite. Now after igniting the full scale war, you are talking of cooperation. When I have objected to it last night you have not cared to drop it because you want to use Akshaya Patra brand. After my mail last night you should have respected my request not to use word Akshaya Patra anywhere. But you did it because, you don't want my name but you want Akshaya Patra's name."
 - PADA: Because he is a crook.
Jaipur For Truth (part 2)
 (Dayalu's group) 3) I came to know from the letter of Gokul Chandra Prabhu of Hare Krishna Society that MPP had a closed door meeting with Iskcon EC and proposed to them that if Iskcon agrees that the 1st initiation will be performed by Srila Prabhupada then the 2nd initiation can be performed by regularpancaratrika gurus appointed by the GBC. I had heard about it from before but I did not get into the details as I had full faith in MPP that he can never think of going away from July 9th letter even in his dreams. So, at first I did not believe it but when I saw MPP’s rebuttal on Sun Sampradaya, I was shocked as this is accepted by MPP himself that he did make a proposal like this.

[PADA: Our reply, starting with segments from Madhu Pandit Dasa's reply:]
Sri Madhu Pandit Dasa’s official reply to EC
By: Madhu Pandit Dasa, Bangalore.
Dear Tamohara prabhu, Anuttama prabhu, and Praghosa prabhu,
Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada.
We beg to acknowledge your letter dated 27th Oct 2013 addressed to three of us. I had immediately replied to your above letter on 28th October stating that we will respond to it soon. I noticed several discrepancies vis-a-vis what transpired in the meeting as you have stated. There were many things in the your letter which did not represent accurately and completely what transpired in our discussion in Chennai with HH Jayapataka Swami, HH Bhanu Swami and Dayaram Das. Probably it is due to miscommunication and partial communication from the source where you got the information (from one of the bureau members). It is understandable considering that it is second hand information and those who presented it also probably wanted to dilute it hoping against hope for some serious reforms in ISKCON and was shooting off our shoulders to achieve the same.
Meantime we see that one of your members have posted that letter in the Sampradaya Sun with a political twist and apparent motive to disturb many devotees all over the world who looks upon ISKCON Bangalore as a panacea to all the guru issues in rest of the movement. This was most unexpected move and we consider that these persons are misusing a genuine discussion held with some Bureau member to bring Srila Prabhupada to his original spiritual position in ISKCON for political mileage.
[PADA: Exactly, Dayalu Nitai das and the "Jaipur For Truth" (JFT) people are misquoting what happened at the meeting. Of course, Rocana and hisSampradaya Sun are not considered as a bona fide source of understanding for - "all matters legal" - for the Prabhupadanugas because, it is for starters an anti-Prabhupadanuga site. So it is a little amazing that Dayalu Nitai das and his "JFT" folks are now citing a full-fledged Anti-Srila Prabhupada worship site as their authority on these matters, or any other matters. Rocana commonly refers to Srila Prabhupada as the posthumous, post samadhi if not post mortem person, not sure how he has emerged as the hero / authority of Dayalu Nitai and his Jaipur For Truth folks?  
The Sampradaya Sun has already posted a series of letters from the GBC's Dayaram das  - which have proven to be totally false in details and prophecy. For example, Dayaram said in 1997 that the court case would not cost more than $1 million and not last more than a year. PADA sources tell us - the case has now cost ISKCON more like $20 million. And in the event no one has noticed, it’s been much more than a year since the case was filed and it’s still pending, with no resolution since 1997. 
Of course Srila Prabhupada said that the Gaudiya Matha case was "40 years in court with no resolution." And that is what the GBC wants, they also want to go on in the courts for "40 years with no resolution" because they are very familiar with how the courts behave in India. 

And thus more and more people report seeing in current ISKCON - very distressed building conditions, some cases of falling apart deity outfits; some cases of rats on the altars; some cases of illegal code violations in Krishna's temples etc., all because the GBC decided in 1997 to make a program of mansions for lawyers and let put Krishna into the ghetto. 
Someone just told us how bad the building conditions are at New Vrindavana for example. So Krishna gets a dirty, poor, run-down back alley ghetto, and the GBC's lawyers get huge marble and silk palaces filled with servants and opulence. In short, the GBC worships lawyers. And that has been the GBC's overall policy since 1997. Why are the Jaipur For Truth people citing the GBC folks and their writings found on the Sampradaya Sun, that is perhaps the first question? The same Sampradaya Sun that is favorable to the living gurus program and all their bogus arguments, why are they now our authority in Jaipur? 
 One of the GBC friendly folks wrote to tell us they "are going to sue us for the next 100 years." The GBC folks want this court case to go one for another 100 years, and cost another $100 million for ISKCON, they do not want any settlement, they want these expenditures to go on forever. In other words, Rocana's site has not been citing accurate information regarding this case, at all. OK, a few naive people accept this site as accurate on this legal matter.
And so it’s amazing the GBC folks and their dedicated followers from the "Jaipur For Truth" accept any of these letters as accurate, when none of the Prabhupadanugas accept this source as accurate, and in fact there is much evidence the series of letters on the Sampradaya Sun on this issue have been severely contaminated and have contained considerable false information.] 
MPD: The most inaccurate statement in your letter is your statement that we have evolved our understanding and moved away from the ritvik position. 
[PADA: Well there you have it, MPD is saying he has not moved from his position. And if we were to say he had changed his position, we'd have to cite court documents where he has changed things. JFT folks cite nothing from the court documents, only Rocana's site? The case is also still pending, thus no agreement was made to date, or the case would be settled. It’s not.]
 MPD: There is no question of us evolving our ‘understanding’ or position since our stand on initiation is not based on any philosophical interpretation but simply following faithfully the written directive of Srila Prabhupada on initiation with full faith in it that it ought to be philosophically sound if Srila Prabhupada set it up. Unless, we are shown authentically that Srila Prabhupada superseded that directive, we would continue with that understanding.
 [PADA: Correct, we stand by the directives of Srila Prabhupada and not anti-ritviks like Rocana? Why are the JFT folks always citing dubious authorities? As soon as someone says, we need to follow the directives of Srila Prabhupada, then the GBC, Prahlad types, the JFT, they all say in unison "this must be stopped"! That makes them servants of the GBC, who also wants this process stopped. Why do they always want to stop the worship of the pure devotee, and attack anyone who is worshiping the pure devotee? That is what the GBC does every day.]  
MPD: Meeting held on 24th August 2013.
On the request from Muralishyam Dasa brahmacari of ISKCON Mumbai we consented to meet on 24th August as he was repeatedly requesting us to meet once HH Jayapataka Swami to hear how Bureau and GBC are working in different ways to bring Srila Prabhupada in the centre. We made it very clear that we will not be giving any new proposal than what we have given so far to the Bureau till then, all of which received a negative response from the GBC. He said that Doyaram Prabhu was planning to propose some changes to the GBC during the upcoming Bureau and GBC meeting in Oct 2013.
[PADA: No new proposal was made. Rocana makes all sorts of false propaganda regarding this lawsuit for years together, he opposes the ritvik idea, he says Srila Prabhupada is the post mortem person, and Gokul Chandra and the JFT folks accept Rocana as the speaker of their gospel? Rocana has been proven incorrect over and over and over on this issue, and so have his writers, but he is the authority of these Jaipura folks. Why?]
MPD: ... Then why doesn’t ISKCON GBC bring out a position paper that Srila Prabhupada as the giver of the Holy name to all candidates in this movement at the 1st initiation ceremony and recognise him as his spiritual master and facilitate instilling the relationship of surrendering their soul to Srila Prabhupada, in the minds and hearts of every initiated candidate. 
 [PADA: Why do the Jaipur for Truth folks openly oppose making Srila Prabhupada the giver of initiations and his being the focus of the initiates, and they want to torpedo anyone doing that? And instead, they want us to surrender to Rocana's site, which says Srila Prabhupada is post mortem?]
 MPD: Srila Prabhupada should be the one personality for everyone to place their full faith which is of the quality as good as one’s faith in Krishna as required by the famous quote for a self-realization “Yasya deva para bhaktir, yatha deve tatha gurau, tasyaiva kathitha hyartha, prakashante mahatmanah.” 

[PADA: Right, as soon as someone says Srila Prabhupada is the person we need to have faith in, then the Jaipur for Truth people say - attack, attack, attack, and they quote from the posthumous and post mortem folks instead, the same people whose letters on this "court case" have proven false - over and over and over and over and over. Don't they know by now that Rocana's letters regarding this case have proven to be wrong and false - repeatedly? And they still go back there for "The Jaipur Truth"?] 
 MPD: I explained that bringing Srila Prabhupada in the centre as Founder-Acharya is best achieved by bringing Srila Prabhupada in the centre of the heart of every initiated person as his/her first and primary guru during 1st initiation.
 [PADA: Yep, no wonder the GBC and the JFT folks object to this, they are citing their postmortem acharya Rocana.] 
MPD: There is no better way to bring Srila Prabhupada in the centre in one single stroke of reform in ISKCON without all the cosmetic changes that GBC has made so far to put Srila Prabhupada in the centre. All candidates for 1st initiation will be very well informed institutionally on the janme janme prabhu seiposition of Srila Prabhupada in their lives and the need to take his eternal shelter if they want to be part of ISKCON. Also Vyasa puja and guru puja in Iskcon should only be for Srila Prabhupada. Also there should no choosing of the Harinama guru or officiating acarya for 1st/ Prabhupada initiation. Dayaram Prabhu interjected that it would be hard for GBC to accept this part of candidates not choosing the initiator.
[PADA: Well there is it, Vyasa pooja for Srila Prabhupada is something we need to have stopped, and the JFT folks are helping the GBC and Rocana do that.]
MPD: There can be no solution for this potential betrayal of faith unless you instruct the person getting initiated specifically that one should not place that kind of faith in your guru as you place in Srila Prabhupada. And if you tell them not to place their 100% faith in the infallibility of your guru, then you are depriving an opportunity to an ISKCON member to practice Bhakti with strong guru bhakti as required by our siddhanta , as taught to us by Srila Prabhupada as per the quote “ Yasya deva para bhaktir…
[PADA: Faith has to be in Srila Prabhupada and not JFT's post mortem pada, agreed.]
MPD: I said that I can try to convince everyone in our group on second initiation being given into the ears from persons authorized by GBC if a big change can come for entire Iskcon where 1st initiation is from Srila Prabhupada considering it a big leap to put back spiritually ISKCON to the situation it was pre-1977. I also added that some members among current Bangalore group should also be authorized by GBC for this to do this function of initiation specifically amongst us.”
[PADA: Oh heaven's no, we cannot go back to pre-1977 where Srila Prabhupada is the current acharya! That has to be stopped, and the GBC and their dedicated pals at JFT people are out to stop it.]
MPD: “Why do you believe in rumours, that first initiation is not so important as second? I have already said that it is equally important, but you say rumour. Actually first initiation is more important. You can go without second initiation; if the first initiation is executed very thoroughly that is sufficient. First initiation stands strong. The spiritual master accepts the disciple’s sinful reactions upon giving first initiation. The Vedic system was to give the sacred thread at the first initiation. We are followingPancaratriki. Vedic initiation was given to a person born to a brahmana. That is not possible in this age. Therefore he has to be prepared by Hari Nam initiation and then second initiation. He is given a chance. Therefore others protest that I am giving initiation: He is not born of a brahmana, how can he be initiated?”
Considering the fact that some persons connected to the bureau are now politicizing this genuine efforts to bring some considerable changes in ISKCON to re-establish Srila Prabhupada’s spiritual position and role in ISKCON by leaking out your letter to Sampradaya Sun with twisted title to it , we have decided that henceforth we shall deal only directly with the GBC EC on these matters and continue to discuss further if the GBC wishes to move in this direction at all, now that you know exactly where we stand on the understanding on the guru issue.
Your servant,
Madhu Pandit Dasa.
[PADA: Yep, GBC and their servants at JFT are misdirecting everyone to cause confusion, as they have all along since 1978. None of the articles on Rocana's site against MPD have been correct in facts, or in prophecies, etc. Well known to anyone who can read. ys pd]
ISKCON Truth Verdict?

Well! We certainly don't have one for now however the bitter fight only escalates further and frankly Dayalu Nitai Das just fallen into GBC trap which will be exposed soon and by that kind of a useless attack on MPD he is just making fool of himself also Wake up, Supreme Court order is pending in court. Hold your breath till then than saying non-sense. 
One suggestion: Dayalu Nitai Das, Please concentrate on your daily activities and
Madhu Pandit Dasa no need to be defensive.