Monday, November 10, 2014

Original Trust Deed Papers of Hare Krishna Community, Jaipur

I, Dharmesh Sharma son of Shri Kirti Kumar Sharma, date of birth 22nd July 1969 currently residing at Plot No. 93, S1, Shivam Enclave, Gyan Vihar Colony, Jaipur -302019 hereafter referred to as the Settler  propose to form a trust. The deed of the proposed trust is as follows.

I )    Name of the Trust

        This trust shall be known by the name , “Hare Krishna Community, Jaipur” or in short
        “H.K.C , Jaipur.”

         Insofar as practicable, the trustees shall conduct the trust activities in that name. However, due to
         unforeseen reasons, the trustees may decide to change the name of the trust.
II )  Main office of the trust

        Plot No. 15, Ajmera Garden, King’s Road, Near Nirman Nagar, Jaipur-302019, Rajasthan.

III ) Area of Operation –

        Trust will operate in the state of Rajasthan in order to fulfill it’s objectives listed hereinafter.  
        However the area of operation may be expanded by the trustees as and when the need is felt.

IV ) Objectives/Purpose of the Trust

        To fulfill the desires of our spiritual master His Divine Grace A.C.Bhaktivedanta Swami
        Prabhupada, Founder Acarya of the International Society for Krishna Consciousness.              

        1) To give right direction to the misguided people (specially youth) of the cities by giving them
             Vedic Knowledge (specially from Bhagavad Gita and Srimad Bhagavatam) and teaching them
             Vedic way of life for their moral and spiritual upliftment so that they can become good citizens by
             giving up sinful activities like intoxication, meat eating, gambling and illicit sex on the strength    
             of Krishna Consciousness centered around chanting the holy names of the Supreme Personality
             of Godhead, Sri Krishna.
        2) To organize regular spiritual programs, different cultural festivals and trips to holy places for
             giving spiritual engagement to people in general.
        3) To teach moral and spiritual values to children based on vedic literatures.
        4) To organize various cultural programs, competitions, dance, dramas, movies based on Vedic
             culture to give practical engagement to children and give them a chance for a healthy spiritual
        5) To sell or  distribute books written by His Divine Grace A.C.Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada
             for spiritual upliftment of the entire society

        6) To sell or distribute other spiritual and devotional paraphernalia like CD’s, cassettes, incense
             etc. which are based on Vedic Culture of India.

        7) To distribute free prasadam (sanctified food offered to Lord Krishna ) to people in general and to
              poor and hungry in particular.

        8) To renovate and revive the propagation of spiritual education from many thousands and lakhs
              of existing temples in the villages of India.

         9) To distribute free prasadam (sanctified food offered to Lord Krishna ) from these temples and
             by traveling sankirtan parties in the surrounding villages.

         10) To educate and provide all encouragement and facility for villagers to stay in the villages and
                not to be dragged in the city by –
                a) growing their own food (teaching the farmers organic farming etc)
                b) protecting cows and bulls
                c) helping and providing irrigation to the farms
                d) opening gurukul and varnasrama colleges
                e) providing varnasrama education

         11) To propagate sankirtan movement in villages of India

         12) To provide spiritual entertainment (like festivals, dance, drama etc…) as a replacement of
                 material enjoyment in villages of India.

         13) To print and distribute books written by His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami
               Prabhupada in local languages.
To undertake any other social, charitable and religious work/activities not mentioned hereinabove, for the service of the society.

Note – I , Dharmesh Sharma, as the settler of the trust direct that the trustees shall not conduct or carry on any activities which are not permitted to be conducted or carried on by tax-exempt organizations under the provisions of the income tax department.

 V) Trustees of the Hare Krishna Community, Jaipur.

       Appointment of the Trustees

       I, Dharmesh Sharma as the settler of the trust appoint the following Trustees of the Hare Krishna
       Community , Jaipur -  

      1) Dharmesh Sharma (Date of Birth - 22 July 1969), son of Shri Kirti Kumar Sharma, currently
          residing at Plot no. 93, S1, Shivam Enclave, Gyan Vihar Colony, Jaipur -302019        

      2) Abhimanyu Sharma (Date of birth – 13 August 1985) ,son of Sunil Kumar Sharma, currently
          residing at 15, Ajmera Garden, King’s Road , Near Nirman Nagar, Jaipur -302019, Rajasthan.

      3) Rajesh Sharma (Date of birth - 1st  May 1979) son of  Madho Lal Sharma, currently residing at
          E – 38/39, Model Town, Agra Road, Jaipur, Rajasthan

      There will be a minimum of three trustees at any point of time.

       In the event of  death or failure to act for any reason of any of the said trustees, a successor trustee  
       or trustees may be appointed by the remaining trustees by simple majority, with never more than five
       trustees acting at one time.

       Every three years there will be an election and the trustees will be re-appointed by simple majority
      (more than 50%). At the time of election office of the trust will be dissolved and all the members of
      the trust will be allowed to vote except the advisory body. The new Trustees will then re-appoint the
      managerial body and the advisory body which on behalf of the trustees will enroll general members of
      the trust. Minimum qualification required to be a general member of the trust is listed hereinafter
      (Point VII).

      Role of Trustees

      Trustees will give direction to the working of the trust towards fulfilling its objectives.

      Trustees will appoint the managerial body (President, Secretary and Treasurer) every 3 years after the
      election. Trustees can remove the President by the consent of the General members (simple
      Majority) only and not otherwise. Other members of the managerial body (Secretary & Treasurer) can
      be removed by the trustees as and when the trustees seem fit to do so.

      Trustees can add more trustees by simple majority as and when required with not more than five
       trustees at any point of time.
      Any decision by the trustees as appointing or removing member(s) of managerial body, opening new    
      offices, buying property etc. towards fulfilling the objectives of the trust can be taken by simple
      majority of the trustees.
      Trustees will organize an annual meeting of the general body (Managerial body , Advisory Body and
      General members).

      Financial report, report of the activities of the trust and future planning report will be submitted
       to the general body by the trustees.

      Qualification for being a Trustee 
1)      He should be chanting a minimum of sixteen rounds of Hare Krishna maha-mantra everyday on beads.
       2)  He should be following the four regulative principles which are as follows -
             - No meat eating (including fish, eggs, onion and garlic)
             - No gambling (including any speculative business like share market)
             - No intoxication (including tea and coffee)
             - No illicit sex
         3) He should not be causing any obstruction in the working of the trust
         4) He should be mentally sane and not involved in any criminal or other case.
         5) He should be regularly attending the meetings of the general body. If he is absent for more than 2
              meetings without prior notice he will be disqualified as a trustee.
         6) He should be minimum of 18 years of age.
         If the trustee is not fulfilling the above minimum criterion then he can be removed by simple
         majority of the other trustees.

VI) Managerial Body of the Hare Krishna Community , Jaipur.

       Appointment of the Managerial Body

       We (Dharmesh Sharma, Rajesh Sharma and Abhimanyu Sharma) as trustees of the Hare Krishna
       Community , Jaipur will also act in the role of managerial body as follows -
      1) President -
          Dharmesh Sharma son of Shri Kirti Kumar Sharma currently residing at Plot no. 93, S1, Shivam  
          Enclave, Gyan Vihar Colony, Jaipur -302019    

      2) Secretary -
          Abhimanyu Sharma son of Sunil Kumar Sharma, currently  residing at 15, King’s Road , Near
          Nirman Nagar, Jaipur -302019, Rajasthan.

      3) Treasurer -
          Rajesh Sharma son of Madho Lal Sharma, currently residing at E – 38/39, Model Town, Agra Road,
          Jaipur, Rajasthan

       Laws regarding re-appointment and removal of the members of the managerial body are listed
       Hereinbefore under point V.

      Role of the Managerial Body

      Managerial body will see to the day to day working of the trust.

      President will enroll general members based on the minimum qualification as set by the rules of the
      trust. President will see to the day to day management of the activities of the trust directed towards
      fulfilling the objectives of the trust.
      Secretary will assist the president in managing the day to day working of the trust.
       Treasurer will keep account of the income and expenditures of the trust and get the accounts audited
       every year and file income tax report to the income tax department as per the rules of the government.
      Qualification for being a member of Managerial body 
1)      He should be chanting a minimum of sixteen rounds of Hare Krishna maha-mantra everyday on beads.
        2) He should be following the four regulative principles which are as follows -
             - No meat eating (including fish, eggs, onion and garlic)
             - No gambling (including any speculative business like share market)
             - No intoxication (including tea and coffee)
             - No illicit sex
        3) He should not be causing any obstruction to the working of the trust
        4) He should be mentally sane and not involved in any criminal or other case.

        5) He should be regularly attending the meetings of the general body. If he is absent for more than 2
             meetings without prior notice he will be disqualified as a member of the managerial body.

        6) He should be minimum of 18 years of age.

        If anyone in the managerial body is not fulfilling the above minimum criterion then he can be
        removed by the trustees by a simple majority. However to remove the president the trustees will
        have to get a simple majority of the general members also.

VII ) General Members of the Trust

        Initial Appointment of the General Members

       I, Dharmesh Sharma as the President of the trust initially appoint the following General Members of
       the Hare Krishna Community, Jaipur.
      1) Ashish Mathur
      2) Prakash Choudhary
      3) Avinash Jangid
      4) Mahendra Jangid
      5) Pranjal Joshi
      6) Abhishek Shekhawat
      7) Arvind Mehta
      8) Prashant Chauhan
      9) Giriraj Gupta
      10) Ramavatar

       11) Ramswaroop
       12) Vrinda Sharma
       13) Madhu Gupta
       14) Rajkumari Gupta

      All the above members are fulfilling the minimum qualification for being a general member as far as
       my (Dharmesh Sharma, Settler of the trust) knowledge is concerned.

      The details (date of birth, current address, father’s name etc.) of the above general members will be
      entered in the official register maintained by the trust and will be updated as and when required.
      More General members can be enrolled by the President

      Role of General Members

      General Members will work towards the fulfillment of the objectives of the trust under the direction of
      the managerial body. They will attend the annual meeting of the General Body of the trust.
      Trustees will submit a financial report every year to the general members.
      General members have to be consulted (simple majority) by the trustees in order to remove the  
       president. General members will have the power to vote in the election.

      Qualification for being a General Member 
1)      He should be chanting a minimum of sixteen rounds of Hare Krishna maha-mantra everyday on beads.
        2) He should be following the four regulative principles which are as follows -
             - No meat eating (including fish, eggs, onion and garlic)
             - No gambling (including any speculative business like share market)
             - No intoxication (including tea and coffee)
             - No illicit sex
        3) He should not be causing any obstruction to the working of the trust
        4) He should be mentally sane and not involved in any criminal or other case.
        5) He should be regularly attending the meetings of the general body. If he is absent for more than 2
             meetings without prior notice he will be disqualified as a general member.

        6) He should be minimum of 18 years of age.

.       General members can be removed if they are not following the minimum qualification required to be
        a member by the president.

       A General member if removed by the President can approach the trustees if he/she feels his/her
       removal was not fair and then the decision can be reviewed by the trustees.

VIII ) Advisory Body of the Trust

        Appointment of the members of the Advisory Body

       We (Dharmesh Sharma, Rajesh Sharma and Abhimanyu Sharma) as trustees of the Hare Krishna
       Community , Jaipur appoint the following as the members of the advisory body -
        1) Mr. B.Tayal
        2) Shubhashish Mathur
        3) Vishal Katiyaar
        4) Dr. Banwari Sharma
        5) Mr. S.K.Kaul
        6) Aishwarya Kasliwal
        7) Prashant
        8) Ashish Mathur

      All the above members are fulfilling the minimum qualification for being a member of advisory body
      as far as my (Dharmesh Sharma, Settler of the trust) knowledge is concerned.

      The details (date of birth, current address, father’s name etc.) of the above members will be
      entered in the official register maintained by the trust and will be updated as and when required.

       Trustees will have the full power to add more members or remove members of the Advisory Body.
       Role of the Advisory Body

      Members of the advisory body can attend the annual and other meetings of the general body. They can
      advice the trustees or give new ideas and plans for achieving the objectives of the trust.

       The members of the advisory body cannot take part in the elections.

      Qualification for being a member of the Advisory body 
      1) He should be helping the activities of the trust in some or the other way and/or he should be
          sympathetic towards the cause of the trust

     2) He should be mentally sane and not involved in any criminal case or otherwise.

     3) He should be religious minded

    4) He should be minimum 18 years of age.

     Members of the advisory body can be removed by the trustees by simple majority if they are not
     fulfilling the minimum qualifications for being a member of the advisory body.

IX) General Body Meeting

      General Body consists of trustees, Managerial body, general members and the advisory body.

      There will be a general body meeting as and when required for discussing issues related to the working   
      of the trust towards fulfilling the objectives of the trust.

      However one meeting annually is compulsory.

      Forum for the meetings will be one more than half the strength of the general body. If proper forum is  
      not there, meeting will be postponed.

      The minutes of the meeting will be recorded in a register within 48 hours of the meeting which will be   
      signed by the president and the secretary.

X ) Rules for  Amendments in the by-laws of the Trust

      By laws of the trust can be amended, added or removed as and when required by 2/3 majority of the  
      trustees after getting approval from the general members by getting a simple majority.
XI) Trust Fund

1) Source of Trust fund

    Initial Fund –

    i) Trustees (Dharmesh Sharma, Rajesh Sharma, Abhimanyu Sharma) have mutually decided to
       contribute a  sum of Rs 11,111/- each which will be deposited in the bank account of the trust as the
       initial fund to start the activities of the trust. So a total of Rs. 33,333/- will be the opening balance of
       the trust.

    ii) I,Dharmesh Sharma, settler of the trust is very thankful to the members of the advisory body who  
        have contributed the following items to facilitate the working of the trust .

        Dr. Banwari Sharma -  LCD Projector and Screen for showing religious films/ documentaries etc.
        B.Tayal                     -  Audio System (amplifier + 2 speakers + mikes) for playing devotional songs
                                             and to facilitate the speaker for giving lectures.

        S.K.Kaul                   - Wooden + Glass show case for keeping the books and other devotional items
                                              for sale in the main centre of the trust.

         Vishal Katiyaar         –Floor Mattresses and 20 paintings to be put in the main centre of the trust

         Shubhashish Mathur –Wooden temple for the worship of the Lord.

         Aishwarya Kasliwal – all the utensils for cooking food to be offered to the lord and distributed

         Ashish Mathur         – All the fans, tubelights and exhaust fan for the main centre of the ttrust.

         Prashant Chauhan   – All other miscellaneous items like white board, arati paraphernalia, motor
                                                starter etc.

          Satyanarayana Ladda – Books and other devotional paraphernalia worth Rs. 50,000/- for the stall
                                                and library of the main centre.

          Note - All the above will act as the initial assets or property  of the trust to start the activities of the

     Other Sources for increasing Trust fund in future
      i) Donations (money) or other contributions (goods) by people who wish to support the activities of
         the trust.
      ii) Sale of books written by His Divine Grace A.C.Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada, Founder Acarya
         of the International Society for Krishna Consciousness
      iii) Sale of CD’s, cassettes, posters and other devotional/spiritual paraphernalia from the main centre
           or any other centre authorized by the trust.
       iv) Rent from the premises of the trust
        v)  Interest on Fixed deposits or other schemes on the money in the account of the trust
        vi) Sale of prasadam (sanctified food offered to Lord Krishna) from the main centre or other outlets
             authorized by the trust

       Note – Trustees may decide other fund raising activities like selling/marketing of products and
       services created out of achievements of the objectives of the trust.
2) Use of Trust Fund

    The trust fund shall be solely utilized and applied towards the fulfillment and promotion of the aims and  
    objectives of the trust only , as specified in section IV hereinabove after paying tax (if applicable) to the
     income tax department according to the rules of that particular time.

     No portion thereof shall be paid or transferred directly or indirectly by way of dividends, bonus, profit
     or in any manner whatsoever to the present or the future trustees of the trust.

     No trustee of the trust shall have any personal claim on any movable or immovable properties of the
     trust or make any profit whatsoever by virtue of his position in the trust.

     Trustees can pay administrative expenses as may be necessary in the administration of the trust.

3) Management of Trust fund
    A bank account will be opened by the trustees in the name of the trust and the initial fund as mentioned
    Herein above will be deposited as the opening balance of the trust.

    Money will be received in the name of the trust “Hare Krishna Community, Jaipur” or “H.K.C, Jaipur”.

    President and treasurer are authorized signatories to operate the bank account in the name of the trust.

    Signature of President and Treasurer will be required to withdraw any amount greater then Rs. 1000/-
    For withdrawing amounts less than Rs.1000/- any one signature will be sufficient.

     Anybody can deposit in the account of the trust after receiving receipt from the treasurer.

     Trustees, members of the managerial body and anybody authorized by the managerial body or the
      trustees can accept donations and other contributions on behalf of the trust after giving proper receipt  
      to the donor.

      Treasurer will keep account books and issue a monthly statement to the trustees.

XII ) Term of Trust
          This trust shall be irrevocable. In the event of an inadvertent disqualification of this trust under the
           laws as they may exist from time to time, which may require a dissolution of the trust, the entire
           trust fund shall, in that event, be distributed to “The Akshaya Patra Foundation “, a Bangalore
           based trust which is engaged in distributing free mid-day meals to government schools in different
           states of India with the help of the state government.

           If the Akshaya patra foundation is also not in a position to receive the trust fund due to any reason
           then the funds should be given to any organization involved in similar nature of work.

In witness whereof, I have executed this trust this       day of May, 2008.

Dharmesh Sharma

Note: A devotee passed on a file which said to us is an Original Trust Deed Papers of Hare Krishna Community, Jaipur. The above trust deed content is unverified document however it looks genuine.