Friday, December 5, 2014

ISKCON Mumbai’s Chamcha Balaji Subhash Implicated Further

Balaji Subhash (420)
ISKCON Mumbai’s image received another blow, as one of its agents was allegedly involved in kidnapping, intimidation and intending to harm. Balaji Subhash an agent of ISKCON Mumbai, a notorious character is allegedly now involved in criminal acts and a complaint has been filed against him by an activist. Cubbon Park police are investigating the matter further and Balaji Subhash has obtained anticipatory bail from the court.
It may also be recalled that Balaji was jailed for 32 days for alleged involvement in extortion and blackmailing of ISKCON Bangalore. ISKCON Bangalore had filed complaint against Balaji Subhash and the matter was handed over to CID for further investigation. The CID has already filed charge sheet against Balaji Subhash and the matter is under trial before the 1st ACMM court. This very same accused was allegedly employed by Varada Krishna Das, the President of Narasimha Giridhari temple of ISKCON Mumbai, HBR layout in Bangalore. Varada Krishna Das also has been charge-sheeted as the co-accused in this case by the CID. He was prima facie found to be instigating Balaji Subhash into criminal acts.  Varada Krishna Dasa is also under trial in the same court. We had already reported on this matter before in another article placing records of Varada Krishna Dasa’s telephone conversations with Balaji Subhash.

Now this time round it seems that Balaji is not satisfied with his illustrious criminal records but wants to add more feathers to his cap. This time, again, a criminal intimidation and blackmailing case against Balaji Subhash has come to the fore. Briefly it is like this. One Rafeeq Durbar in need of cash deposited gold ornaments worth about 65 lakhs with Davanam Jewelers. Davanam Jewelers is co-owned by the well-known politician and Energy minister Sri D.K.Shiva kumar. Balaji himself admits in many places that he is an admirer and follower of D K Shiva Kumar. Rafeeq failed to get cash in return for his gold; he filed a case of cheating in the high court against Davanam. This is when allegedly Balaji & company attacked and threatened Rafeeq to withdraw the case. News9 a regional English channel has aired anextensive documentary about the fracas between Rafeeq and Balaji.
Conman Balaji Subhash is a professional blackmailer who also does so- called “sting” operations and extorts money for his living. He has morphed many pictures of his with leaders of society to deceitfully validate his so-called powerful influence
Energy minister Sri D. K. Shiva Kumar
Energy minister Sri D. K. Shiva Kumar was himself an agent of ISKCON Mumbai. He worked hand-in-hand with ISKCON Mumbai to harass and make false accusations against ISKCON Bangalore of misusing government rice in the midday meal scheme. The minister himself admits that he was associated with slain full-time goons. Sri DK Shiva Kumar is also facing serious graft charges against himself and several cases of corruption are pending before various courts. It is not a mere coincidence that this tainted minister earlier hurled several false allegations against ISKCON Bangalore which are just verbatim repetitions of many false allegations levelled by ISKCON Mumbai’s followers and agents against Iskcon Bangalore.It may also be recalled that this very same minister had put pressure and forced the government to form House committee enquiry against Akshaya Patra, an initiative of ISKCON Bangalore. During some of the enquiries conducted by the committee it was found that many of ISKCON Mumbai followers were found to be in regular consultation with Sri DK Shiva Kumar. Infact Sri DK Shiva Kumar tried his best to stage manage the committee and even got Varada Krishna Dasa to depose and explain to committee even before ISKCON Bangalore could give its side of story. Later on the committee exonerated ISKCON Bangalore and Akshaya Patra foundation and found that the charges levelled by the Sri DK Shiva Kumar were false. Infact the committee went to appreciate the various services rendered by ISKCON Bangalore.
Varada Krishna Dasa (Trump Card)
It seems birds of the same feather flock together as the self-made gurus of ISKCON and their agents want to associate with criminals and politicians of low repute and engage in activities disturbing the various services rendered to the deities by devotees of ISKCON Bangalore. It is very sad that self-made gurus who are involved in cheating innocent devotees are associating people of similar mentality and are unceasingly engaged in maligning the devotees of ISKCON Bangalore.
These acts will not bear fruition as ultimately victory will be on the side where there is truth. By cheating one may for some time disturb the services but ultimately victory will be for sincere service. Now various conspiracies attempted by ISKCON self-made gurus and their notorious disciples like Varada Krishna Dasa are getting exposed and the law is taking its course. CID has filed charge-sheet against him and found him to be prima facie guilty of instigating someone into criminal acts of blackmailing and he is under the scanner of the court. When this is the case, it is very unbecoming of ISKCON Mumbai to allow Varada Krishna Das, to remain leader or even a member of the Narasimha Giridhari temple of ISKCON Mumbai located in HR layout. It is indeed a written testimony of how low the credibility of ISKCON Mumbai and their self-made gurus is sinking to.  They are stooping so shamelessly low, that they are associating with criminals and tainted politicians to perform insidious acts against ISKCON Bangalore.
Await more reports on further exposes…