Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Dayalu Nitai Sundar Das Exposed (Part 6): Open Letter from Murlimohan Das

From: Murlimohan Das "murlimohan108@gmail.com"
to: dayalunitai108@gmail.com

subject: Regarding my leaving HKC, Jaipur, India.

This letter is to inform everyone that my stay at Hare Krishna Centre, Sitapura, Jaipur in last 3 years was very comfortable. I had no problems.

All the devotees here are very nice and strictly following Srila Prabhupada’s instructions.

I joined Hare Krishna Community, Jaipur as a full time devotee 6-7 months back after giving up my karma kanda duties completely. In the first few months of my joining I was engaged in attending English Speaking course with gurukul students and teaching the children Srimad Bhagavatam.

One month back Hrishikesh Prabhu who is one of the teachers in the Varnasrma College told me that my long Bhagvatam Classes are not having good impact on the children. I thought that he is doing this out of bad intention but later on I realized that he is a very nice devotee and I was judging him wrongly. I decided to go out of Gurukul services for some time and involve myself in some other services. I went for sankirtan, collecting fund, book distribution etc. but somehow I was not able to absorb myself in any of these services.

Dayalu Nitai Prabhu gave me full freedom to engage in any service I like but I was not feeling enthusiastic in any service. Then I told Dayalu Nitai Prabhu that I want to open a new centre in Alwar. Dayalu Nitai Prabhu told me that I can do so as a branch of Hare Krishna Community and he will send some devotee with me but till at least 6-8 devotees who are chanting 16 rounds and following 4 regulative principles are not created I will have to submit the accounts to HKC. Dayalu Nitai Prabhu told me that after 6-8 devotees who are chanting 16 rounds and following 4 regulative principles join the preaching then I can become the President and 2 other devotees can become Treasurer and secretary and I can work independently as a branch of HKC.

But I told Dayalu Nitai Prabhu that I want to preach totally independently.

Dayalu Nitai Prabhu told me that he cannot support this decision of working totally independently but when I insisted he told me that I can do so on my own risk.

So, finally I have parted away from HKC, Jaipur peacefully to start my own centre in Alwar.

your servant,
Murali Mohan Das.

For Part 1: CLICK HERE
For Part 3: CLICK HERE
For Part 4: CLICK HERE
For Part 5: CLICK HERE
For Part 7: CLICK HERE