Monday, May 18, 2015

History: When Jayapataka Swami Evaded Arrest

Many of you dont know that Jayapataka Swami was supposted to get arrested in the year 2010 however he escaped india. Read below for the exclusive reports on Jayapataka Swami & Other ISKON Members

Calcutta, 10 august 2000

Indian Telegraph: The case of the Iskcon monk's suicide took a dramatic turn on Wednesday with the court ordering the police to arrest 8 monks of the order. One of them, the chief of Iskcon's Mayapur centre, is said to be absconding. Suresh das, 54, lodged in Presidency Jail after being charged with the rape of a woman, hanged himself in his separate cell last Thursday.
In his diary, he blamed his death on eight Iskcon monks who, he alleged, had hatched a "conspiracy" to ruin him. The damning entries in the diary prompted the jail authorities to lodge a complaint with the police. Subsequently cases of "abatement to suicide" and "conspiracy" were registered with the Hastings police station against the eight monks, seven of them based in Mayapur and one at Albert Road.
Hastings police station officer-in-charge Jayanta Das said : "The court has directed us to arrest the eight monks. We are now looking for them, but we have come to know that the head of the Mayapur office of Iskcon has already left the country." City police officials confirmed that their counterparts in Nadia had been asked to keep a watch on the 'wanted monks'. Documents pertaining to a dispute between the Mayapur and Calcutta offices of the order are also being examined, as the power struggle is said to have led to Das' death. Das belonging to an anti- Mayapur lobby was, apparently protesting the"illegal activities" of some of the monks the police said. Investigators are also trying to ascertain whether Das had been involved in the rape of a young woman at Iskcon's Gurusaday Road office. "We are waiting for the sample test report of the semen found on the clothes of the woman who was reportedly raped by Das," said an officer.
Meanwhile, Sattick Das vice-president of Iskcon, has alleged that the detective department of the city police has been "influenced by a powerful lobby close to the Mayapur ofice" to take over the case. "The case was originally being handled by the local police station. The detective department suddenly appeared on the scene and took charge of the investigations, after being influenced by the by a powerful lobby", Das said.

The acting chief metropolitan magistrate K.P. Dutta on Monday ordered the police to take necessary steps against eight persons attached to ISKCON, so that they cannot leave India. The eight are:
1. Jayapataka Swami,
2. Satadhanya Das,
3. Dayaram Das,
4. Bhadracharan Das,
5. Birchandra Das,
6. Krishnalata Das,
7. Basanti Das
8. Subrabhrata Das.

The jailor of Presidency Jail lodged an FIR with Hastings Police Station on August 3 against the above persons after the death of an ISKCON activist, under trial prisoner Sureshwar Das.
In the FIR it was alleged that these persons abetted Sureshwar in committing suicide inside the Presidency Jail. Sureshwar was arrested by police on rape charge. The vice president of Iskcon has filed a petition praying for proper action.

Full Report:

Jayapataka Swami (JPS) is on the run from the Indian legal system. We have even produced evidence where JPS has admitted this fact. As reported, JPS is fleeing since he has been charged with abetting the suicide of Suresvara Das, a devotee against whom the JPS camp filed false rape charges. Now, however, in a sensational development solicitors acting for the family of the deceased have decided to take international action to bring this fugitive to justice. The solicitors have put together a package of material which will allow the immigration authorities of all countries to take the appropriate action. The package consists of a cover letter which sets out all the material enclosed. This cover letter, and a solicitor's letter which is the first item in the package, are reproduced below:

Dear Sirs, 

The enclosed materials give evidence pertaining to an Indian Citizen who we believe will make attempts to enter your country sometime in the future. He is currently on the run following the Indian Police having filed a case against him for abatement to suicide. This is a serious crime which carries a prison term of 7 years in our country. His name is Jayapataka Swami. Though he is one of 8 similarly charged, he is the only one who has fled the country. The enclosed materials are as follows:
1) A letter from ourselves, who are acting on behalf of the deceased, wherein we have set out the events relating to this matter. 
2) A copy of the Police Case which has been filed against this individual by the Calcutta Police, Hastings Branch. 
3) A copy of the court order that prevents him from leaving India. 

Unfortunately he had the presence of mind to abscond around the time the case was filed, and before the court order was procured. The court order was hand-written by the Judge, which is still quite common in the Calcutta High Court. The Court seal is clearly visible. A typed version has also been provided. We have also included a copy of relevant newspaper articles which state the same. 

4) A copy of his latest passport. 
5) A copy of his previous passport and his current US Green Card. 

(Jaya Pataka Swami aka John Gordon Erdman are the two passport names of the false Mayapur guru.)
We urge that you may enter this information on your airport computer systems, as we are unable to specify in advance exactly when he may seek to enter your country, as he is continually moving from country to country. He particularly uses countries as transit ports as he moves from one side of the globe to the other. We hope this information will be of interest to you, and that you will be minded to not facilitate this person's current evasion of the due process of Justice. 

If necessary you may contact me via mail, fax or phone at the following:
Thanking you in advance,
Yours faithfully,
Sandersons & Morgans (Acting on Behalf of the Family of the Deceased)
By partner C R Addy 
Advocates & Solicitors,
Royal Insurance Building
5,Netaji Subhas Road,
Calcutta 700001
FAX 91-33-248-2648
TEL.248-2644[4 Lines]

The following is a copy of item No. 1 
of the package as stated in cover letter above: 

Dear Sir,
This is to inform you that a criminal case has been started 
against eight accused persons. They are as follows :-
1. Jayapataka Swami
2. Satadhanya Dasa
3. Dayaram Dasa
4. Bhadra Charu Dasa
5. Birchandra Dasa
6. Krishna Lata Dasi
7. Basanti Devi Dasi
8. Subhabrata Dasa
The case being started on 03.08.2000 by the Hastings Police Station being Hastings Police Station case no. 293/2000 corresponding to the G.R. Case No. 2588/2000 under section 120B/306 of the Indian Penal Code in criminal conspiracy with each other in abetting in commission of suicide of Sureswara Dasa.
As the above named persons may avoid due process of law and fly away from India, and accordingly, on 07.08.2000 the Learned Chief Metropolitan Magistrate passed an order directing the Investigating Officer of the Hastings Police Station to take effective steps against the above accused persons and also to prevent them from leaving India. We understand that of the above eight accused persons only Jayapataka Swami has left the country after the case was started. A copy of the said order is enclosed.
Thanking you.
Yours faithfully,
Sandersons & Morgans 
By partner C.R. Addy